Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [to-vb] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I put him back in his stable again , complete with an enormous amount of bandaging and went home to wait for my vet to phone with the results of the x-rays .
2 The Board instructed their clerk to communicate with the governors of the infirmary on the matter , and in his reply a week later , the house surgeon there ( who acted as hospital secretary ) said that he had thought the case capable of being treated as an out-patient .
3 Delegates agreed to resume negotiations on March 21 , or earlier , provided that the Soviet Union signalled its willingness to comply with the terms of the accord .
4 Underlying much working-class opposition was a hostility often born of an older moralism : it was their willingness to interfere with the workings of God , Providence or Nature that made the suggestions of the birth controllers sometimes appear even more shocking than those of Malthus .
5 It is seen that the programme was only of small benefit to the people of Bangladesh , owing to its inability to cope with the conditions of this developing country .
6 Family Groups are a major preventive approach , strengthening families in their capacity to cope with the stresses of financial difficulties , urban living , family life and child-rearing .
7 The business plan 's third big hole is its failure to deal with the lawsuits that names are bringing for alleged negligence by agents .
8 If the company is a public company , s. 25(1) requires its name to end with the words ‘ public limited company ’ , and by s. 1(3) the memorandum must state that the company is to be a public company .
9 This forced her to lift her game to compete with the men .
10 They said other delegations had rejected their demand to deal with the issues of violence and the future form of the state before setting an election date .
11 She was no longer anxious about her ability to cope with the inmates of the pet shop , but she still disliked the sight of birds and some of the more sensitive animals being kept in captivity .
12 The trend seems likely to force small firms to compete with the large corporate sector on pay , training and fringe benefits , putting further pressure on their ability to cope with the strains of growth .
13 THE Government was urged yesterday to tackle staff shortages and poor morale in Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , as concern grew over its ability to cope with the demands of the Environmental Protection Bill .
14 Tesfaye Gebre Kidan continued to appeal for a ceasefire and to impress on foreign ambassadors his willingness to negotiate with the rebels .
15 Agency staff sometimes question themselves about a discharger 's economic position and his capacity to comply with the parameters and limits which they would ideally like to impose .
16 On 27th November 1974 , on a Complaint by the Council of the Law Society of Scotland , the Solicitors ' Discipline ( Scotland ) Committee found John Duncan Haward Soper , Solicitor , 48 Great King Street , Edinburgh , guilty of professional misconduct in respect of his failure to discharge his joint and several responsibility along with his former partner to keep proper books of a trust and in respect of his failure to comply with the provisions of Rule 4 ( 1 ) ( a ) of the Solicitors ' ( Scotland ) Accounts Rules , 1952 , as amended .
17 If Mr. Tully has good grounds for exercising the privilege against self-incrimination , then his refusal to comply with the orders for disclosure and discovery made by Buckley J. may have the effect of assisting Mr. Tully to escape prosecution and punishment for a crime and also the effect of assisting Mr. Tully and others to keep money which belongs to Abbey .
18 Dr Morris , who speaks like a television evangelist , ended his mission to explain with the words : ‘ With higher consciousness , students will enjoy their studies , unfold their full creative intelligence and live life spontaneously in harmony with Natural Law . ’
19 And it was his ability to work with the engineers as much as his speed which decided Frank Williams to sign Hill as partner to No 1 driver Alain Prost .
20 In accepting being alone much will obviously depend on the reason behind the situation and our ability to deal with the problems related to being a single person : the death of a partner or parents in retirement ; becoming separated or divorced ; adjusting to being an ‘ alien ’ pensioner .
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