Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I have never had much stomach for fighting and I certainly did not relish the prospect of having my head knocked off for a few cigarettes !
2 I caught a glimpse of JCBs grazing in the adjoining field like a group of hybrid giraffes ; and was that a dumper truck with its shell tipped up like a rutting tortoise ?
3 It was a black cleavage-revealing affair topped by a sparkling gold necklace , and with her hair swept up into a sophisticated style the older woman made Lucy feel like a country cousin .
4 She was small and dark , with her hair scraped back into a bun .
5 Black silk skirt maroon blouse her hair done up in a bun draped with gold jewellery oh talk about looking the part !
6 He was used to contrasts : Mother taking morning tea in bed with an old shawl round her shoulders and her hair pinned up under a boudoir cap , her face sticky with face cream as he kissed her good bye before school ; and Mother in full evening dress decked out in false pearls , her eyelashes beaded with mascara , dominating the stage in any play 's Last act …
7 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
8 This means that all people over pension age who are not in full-rime work have a statutory right to have their income brought up to a guaranteed weekly level .
9 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
10 Lissa drew her robe around herself in a protective gesture , her mind frozen over like a bleak winter landscape .
11 As he stepped forward the chocolate hackles rose on the cat , its mouth drawn back in a snarl .
12 A MUSLIM woman who has not seen her bridegroom since the day of a registrar 's office wedding had her marriage annulled yesterday by a Scottish judge .
13 But fortunately at that moment her gynaecologist called in for a brief visit and Brian went off to the nursery .
14 This has nothing to do with how policemen look nor even of never having heard of a bunch called James , who are apparently big stars , have their name emblazoned all over a chic t-shirt and of whom one had never heard till yesterday .
15 Predators that never scavenge and always insist on eating freshly-killed prey will have their appetite switched off by a limp , static object .
16 Whoever she was living with , roused by the smell of burning , had come downstairs to discover her slumped across the hearth with her head pressed up against a glowing electric fire .
17 One woman had her finger cut off in a slicing machine and never received any compensation .
18 Last night she and her mother bedded down on a mattress in the back of their secondhand horse-box eating food heated up on a mobile stove because they refused to pay the London prices of the arena 's eating places .
19 He was , perhaps , seven years old and had his money tied up in a corner of his handkerchief .
20 In terms of legal status the clerk had first of all the right to have his case tried only before a church court — the " privilege of the forum " .
21 The former British champion , who lives at Middleton St George , near Darlington , had his femur pinned together after a nasty smash at Cadwell Park last year .
22 Donald had his brow lowered now like a bullock and his eyes were hot .
23 One day there might be a bleary-eyed buzzard with his wing taped up in a splint , looking very sorry for himself ; the next there might be a baby sparrow basking under a red heat-lamp , recuperating from the attentions of a cat .
24 More than anything else could have been , it was searingly expressive of the contempt in which he held her , because he had ignored her face where her personality and individuality were written , his attention given wholly to a part of her body — and a body was just a body as far as she was concerned , with nothing to do with one 's emotional identity .
25 When I had reached the front , the first thing I saw was Granpa lying on the pavement , his head propped up on a box of apples and his face as white as a sheet .
26 Keith McPhilips , 35 , was drinking in the Restalrig Inn , Edinburgh , when he was repeatedly struck with pool cues , hit with a chair , punched and kicked and had his head jumped on in a sustained attack .
27 But Vinnie 's man with his head staved in on a patch of waste ground near Deptford Station does not get mentioned .
28 A CAPTAIN had his finger bitten off by a lion on board ship .
29 Joseph had seen his grandfather dressed up for a sing-sing with a long white bone through this hole , forming a kind of false moustache each side of his nose .
30 Constant friction between the two nations at sea led , on 23 October 1739 , to the British government declaring war on Spain , the resulting conflict being known as ‘ The War of Jenkins 's ear ’ ; Robert Jenkins was the master of a British ship who had had his ear cut off by a Spanish officer during a search .
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