Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [vb past] a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Martha saved herself from relegation to a junior class by reciting the whole of Psalm 103 , one of Nana 's favourites , in morning assembly ; after this feat her teacher had a long conversation above her head with her mother , and began to come to their house on Saturdays to give her extra lessons .
2 His philosophy took a long time to be appreciated , partly because he never pushed his own work , which was subsequently overshadowed by that of Wittgenstein .
3 All fairly straightforward though the coded letter we recovered from his baggage took a long time to crack , while his shaving kit will never be the same again after each piece was stripped to its component parts by one participant .
4 As they crossed to the supermarket they had to wait as an assistant wearing a jacket over his uniform wheeled a long line of trolleys from a loading bay into the store .
5 Mr Walton , a private helicopter pilot , said all his family had a long interest in aviation .
6 Apart from the barmaid , we were the only women there , and the two youngest women in our group had a long discussion : one defended the secret solidarity of the men , the other said , " it 's no place for a woman , I could n't stand it . "
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