Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [verb] been [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Then all of a sudden my enthusiasm had been replaced with deep anxiety and apprehension for what actually lay ahead of me .
2 Over the past three years my department has been collaborating with a training programme for general practitioners based at the Conceicao Hospital in Porto Alegre , a large city in the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul with a population of around 1.5 million .
3 Since you left me so abruptly , my mind has been teeming with a whole variety of things I 'd like to do to you . ’
4 ‘ Every step in my plan has been taken with the Divine help ’
5 It was n't that I was doubting my faith or denying the reality of my becoming a Christian , but rather that , though I had genuinely believed ten years earlier , my commitment had been intertwined with the emotional comfort of sharing the beliefs and way of life of my family and certain friends .
6 ‘ Members of my church have been working with ACET since it started 3 years ago .
7 ‘ I have good security , and no other horse in my yard has been interfered with before .
8 Before Nathan entered , her mind had been filled with the prospect of playing Lady Macbeth at last , and to all appearance she might still have been thinking of nothing but that .
9 Her mind had been occupied with things like the freezing point of soda water or the melting point of cheese ; later on it became the non-revolutionary redistribution of the means of production and the alternate vote .
10 When her body was discovered on waste ground in Hertfordshire her neck had been crushed with great force .
11 In those days , too , she had been afraid of Gareth Davis , but her fear had been tinged with an awareness of his overt masculinity .
12 A psychiatrist who helped former hostages to overcome their ordeal has been presented with a People of the Year award .
13 Her body had been fused with concrete , plastic , plaster and steel .
14 Her place had been set with a wreath of holly , adorned with a place card on which Richard had laboriously written ‘ Miss Abbitt ’ in scarlet ink with a liberal spattering of blots .
15 The fact was that for many years she and her father had been living with a dangerous illusion ; and the illusion was that they were entirely virtuous in their endeavours , entirely on the angels ' side .
16 The House of Detention held dangerous men behind bars , some of them Irish , and she remembered how her father had been threatened with it when he 'd been caught causing trouble .
17 Under their new artistic director , Jean-Paul Comelin , their repertoire has been strengthened with classics such as Firebird , and great guest choreographers such as Paul Taylor — both to be seen in this powerful Festival season .
18 Her daughter had been sleeping with boys , and men since she was fourteen .
19 Hurrying away on her next mission , Nicandra felt quietly elated because the little act of kindness in donating her scone had been accepted with so much pleasure and a thoughtful reservation for breakfast .
20 A further solicitor 's letter informed Brenda that the Sharmas believed Robbie to be their dog ( they claimed his fur had been dyed ! ) , and that their bitch had been exchanged with another before the inspection .
21 It shows the customers that their account has been credited with the amount involved .
22 The ministry revealed that in experiments one pig had developed spongiform encephalopathy after its brain had been injected with BSE-infected tissue from a cow brain .
23 Meanwhile their investigation had received help from Roxie Farmer 's reluctant admission that her brother had been staying with her , and that he had gone off one day , borrowing her former husband 's bike , and had come back with blood on him .
24 It was also reported that two of the three men on trial with Talb or members of their family had been seen with Dalkammoni .
25 This was to gather under the very roof of Darlington Hall the most influential of the gentlemen whose support had been won with a view to conducting an ‘ unofficial ’ international conference — a conference that would discuss the means by which the harshest terms of the Versailles treaty could be revised .
26 The Malone case In the English courts , Mr Malone , whose telephone had been tapped with the authority of a warrant , sought a declaration that the tapping was unlawful , as violating his rights of property , privacy , and confidentiality .
27 ‘ Our Social Correspondent writes : ‘ Sir Vivien Blacker is a leading member of London Society whose name has been linked with many of our most nubile heiresses .
28 The matches ceased with the advent of the Second World War but in the 1970's , Richard Beckwith , a local photographer whose father had been connected with the event , thought it would be a good idea to revive it .
29 Johnny Kirk , whose family had been connected with the ‘ mayor-making ’ over the years , said they did not want to make a big production of it or turn it into a tourist attraction ; they wanted to keep it as it was , ‘ a local event for local people ’ .
30 I asked the proprietor of an antique shop with Byzantine and Roman artefacts on display ( see photo ) if anything in his window has been found with a metal detector .
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