Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [verb] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My heart lurches when the train from Euston crosses the Clyde .
2 I asked first about my bag and felt my breathing quicken when the chief seemed unable to find my deposition .
3 My parting thought as the lid went on was what object might we both have known .
4 I 've never forgotten the lessons of that night : the abseils from doubtful anchors , my refusal to stop when the torch packed up , our failure to coil up the rope properly , and the lack of faith in our ability to survive a bivouac .
5 ‘ What happened to the paintings my father did before the divorce ? ’ she asked coldly as he invited her to sit .
6 My anger increased when the meeting Director , Len Smith ( who fancied himself as a pocket-sized version of our trenchant promotions officer Andy Norman ) , said to me , ‘ If you do n't run , you 'll never run again .
7 My master waited until a kitchen boy served us , then suddenly rose , locking the great doors of the hall as well as those to the kitchen and buttery .
8 Perhaps my face looks like the message is not getting through .
9 I thought that the presence of men disinclined women from laughter and saw how Lili made my mother laugh as no man had ever done .
10 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
11 Her lips split , her jaw cracked as the branch thickened , then was still .
12 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
13 Suddenly her heart jerked as the answer came like a flash of lightning .
14 She realised he was getting her flustered , and clamped her mouth shut before the trickle of explanations became a torrent .
15 Her rapture heightened as the wheel turned to move the dildo backwards and forwards inside her with long , regular strokes .
16 Their ordeal ended when a bank security guard spotted something suspicious on a television monitor and raised the alarm .
17 An elderly churchgoer had her Bible stolen when a woman snatched her handbag in York 's Piccadilly on Sunday morning .
18 One was a 50-year-old woman sitting on a shooting stick who had her spleen ruptured when the bird hit her in the back ; the other was the pregnant wife of Swiss businessman Luc Argand , who was knocked off a wall at the Floors Castle estate near Kelso in the Scottish Borders .
19 She spun round to face him with blazing blue eyes and then her head fell as the blue became blurred with tears , and pity for herself , for her mother and for the man she scarcely remembered came flooding with the tears that fell down her cheeks .
20 Her head turned as the door was pushed open .
21 The first intimation of its scope came when the producer of Yorkshire Television 's daily regional current affairs programme , Calendar , came to complain bitterly that the task of getting that evening 's show on the air had been seriously handicapped .
22 But her smile died as the cleric went on .
23 1.44 Reference was made earlier to cases in which delay arose because a defendant could not be served and the fact that a writ would not necessarily be renewed in these circumstances .
24 They warn that the Botswana could face a consumer boycott of its beef exports if the decision to go ahead with the fence is not dropped .
25 Her claim failed because no date had been fixed for the ending of her employment .
26 The flesh under her chin sagged as the fat disappeared but after just 5 months of stretching her lower jaw over her front teeth 5 times a day , her neck toned up magnificently and she looked 10 years younger !
27 How times changed — now someone would express their concern ove whether the thing had been cooked long enough to annihilate any salmonella !
28 You rub your right hand on your left elbow and then move the hand to her ear to see if the coin has come back yet .
29 It is quoted in full : 6 Private residence exception : separated couples Where a married couple separate or are divorced and one partner ceases to occupy the matrimonial home and subsequently as part of a financial settlement disposes of the home , or an interest in it , to the other partner the home may be regarded for the purposes of Sections [ 222 to 224 of TCGA 1992 ] 101 to 103 as continuing to be a residence of the transferring partner from the date his or her occupation ceases until the date of transfer , provided that it has throughout this period been the other partner 's only or main residence .
30 Indeed , the discipline itself was often characterized as " criticism " , and its history seen as a succession of critical paradigms or approaches .
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