Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [noun] for the next " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Expanding Emporio is the most important aspect of my business plan for the next five years , ’ says the maestro , confidently plotting his way to a bright future as less resilient designers wring their hands or close shop .
2 I 'm lucky enough to have a diary full of opera engagements , and my recording schedule for the next couple of years is particularly exciting : Così with Mehta [ See our interview in the next issue ! — Ed. ] , a disc of Mozart arias , and a Magic Flute ( all for Sony ) , a Don Carlos with Levine , a Verdi Requiem , all the Schubert Masses , a Verdi recital , some Russian bass/baritone duets , and a recital of Mussorgsky and Rachmaninov songs with Alexis Weissenberg ! ’
3 Although the majority of these barbarians moved on to Spain in 409 , some stayed behind : there were Alans active in Gaul under their leader Goar for the next thirty years ; they were to be settled in Gallia Ulterior , that is on land to the north of the Loire , in the 440s .
4 Most operators see this as an accounting nicety , but it would seem that BT is taking the directive much further , using it as the basis for building its business strategy for the next millennium .
5 Omi sat quietly crocheting , Erika conscientiously worked on her sightseeing list for the next morning , writing out appropriate comments from the official guide to the city , Herr Nordern , guilt-free , smoked and drank brandy and Frau Nordern sat by him , having a drink , too , wondering whether she might have a cigarette — but deciding not to , preferring to keep that secret to herself .
6 Shift work could also make attendance at ATB courses difficult though in one case a part-time farmer had given his local organiser a copy of his shift programme for the next six months !
7 China 's fury was prompted by Mr Patten 's decision last Friday to go ahead and publish proposed legislation on his democracy proposals for the next elections in 1995 .
8 Every year you will have the opportunity to review your budgeting requirements for the next twelve months .
9 But imagine how easy your monthly budgeting would become if you could reduce your mortgage payments for the next three years .
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