Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] as a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and , and if she 's already scared of his temper and they 've not even lived together , well they have lived together for quite a while actually so I mean it 's not like they do n't know each other but once they 're married and they 've been married for a couple of years I reckon , and he starts thinking of her more as a possession sort of thing I can , I can really imagine
2 In 1867 he became minister to the Borough New synagogue , south London , a post which he combined with a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish charitable and philanthropic endeavours , whilst busying himself also as a prison visitor .
3 Electronics specialist or not , he regarded himself primarily as a classicist and– indeed , he was totally fluent in reading and writing both Latin and Greek .
4 They reflect money balances and just as a mirror image shows everything literally as a mirror image , everything is the opposite way round , so too are the balances in the mirror accounts in relation to the balances in the NOSTRO and VOSTRO accounts .
5 I would say just two things ; the one on the rates scheme , we certainly as a health committee distribute fifteen thousand pounds a year and treat these as important pledge by work .
6 He could sense , even in the darkness , the enormous wonder of her eyes , fixed unwaveringly upon his face though they saw him only as a bulk solid and still between her and the sky .
7 I hope he just needs a couple of goals to help his confidence — or maybe we should n't use him just as an ariel target man 'cos when he gets the ball on the deck he looks okay ( if a bit Chapmanesque ) .
8 Someone close to Mr Mandela described him yesterday as a chess player five moves ahead of anyone else in the game .
9 Alternatively , the solicitor may accompany the client to the hearing and advise him or her orally as a McKenzie adviser in the course of the hearing .
10 However , even Cockfield regarded it only as a courtesy title .
11 He said that if either the Conservatives or Labour sought to go it alone as a minority Government they risked an economic crisis and rising interest rates .
12 When the first draft was published in October 1988 , the Commission presented it more as an EC contribution to wider European agreement on patent law , seeking uniform protection for what Brussels termed ‘ inventions in biotechnology ’ , rather than an attempt to create an ethical framework .
13 Although we think of it now as a packaging material and the ubiquitous polythene bag appears to be a major support of modern life , its primary contribution was in the impetus it gave to the plastic moulding industry and the first development of plastic buckets , sink bowls and so on .
14 But apparently its owner regarded it simply as a vegetable patch , for there were no flowers to be seen .
15 Experts are now being called out to check this tress vital statistics , and establish it officially as a record breaker .
16 ‘ You know , Morse , ’ panted Max as he eased his overweight frame into his car , ‘ I 've always thought of myself more as a Renaissance man , actually . ’
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