Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] have [been] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have all heard the stories of season ticket holders being found to stand for a match because someone else had been allocated a ticket for that seat .
2 Each is eager to present himself as the most qualified man to head off protectionist measures and to restore Japan 's good name , which lately has been looking a little tarnished .
3 The breeze which before had been cooling the morning , dropped now and the lane grew loud with bees and heavy with the scent of summer .
4 There is a dining room ( with a beautiful Italian monks ' table dating from the early 18th century which interestingly has been lowered a few inches — the monks ate standing up ) , three bedrooms individually decorated , a comfortable study-cum-television room with a log-burning stove — and for bookworms , over 3,000 books .
5 The single women who hitherto had been considered a good influence on the girls were relegated to obscurity whilst the married heterosexual women were left to emerge as the ( acceptable and healthy ) role models .
6 She said that apart from MacQuillan and Barron she did not know who else had been allowed a complete list .
7 Recently , even those outlets have been drying up because they too have been selling the big breweries ' beer in return for cheap loans .
8 Like Graham and Sabrina he too had been left a holdall , containing a Geiger-Muller counter and his favourite handgun , a Browning Mk2 , in a locker at the main railway station where he had spent three hours studiously checking the invoices for all the freight loaded at the goods yard over the past ten days .
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