Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He makes good progress until he reaches the cornice , which promptly rejects him in a cascade of cold , powdery ice .
2 Man , by contrast , has the potential to make this ability subject to conscious control , and it is this very difference which clearly divides him from the animal world .
3 Instead , she guides him to check his suggestion and when he realises that he is not successful , she skilfully involves him in the final solution to the problem .
4 At the moment , she just loves him as a friend .
5 She still sees him in a business capacity which I find ‘ odd ’ .
6 He was engaged in trading abroad , in cloth and books , and by 1650 was an important member of the community associated with the London Dutch church ; he was also a friend of Samuel Hartlib [ q.v. ] , who often describes him as an ‘ informant ’ .
7 Once the physiotherapist is confident that the patient has gained full control of his hemiplegic leg while making sideways steps , she then guides him through a sequence of forward steps , starting with the normal leg , transferring the weight onto that leg to move the hemiplegic leg , and maintaining good control of the pelvis during the movement .
8 She sometimes lights him into a new kind of relationship .
9 One then reminds him of the Smith case , and asks whether he still thinks that Smith was wrong .
10 Councillors should know beforehand what they are expected to discuss and a councillor may absent himself if nothing really concerns him on the agenda .
11 He takes his belt to him — I try to hide him sometimes , but he always finds him in the end .
12 He thinks this keeps him on his mettle , but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word .
13 Since his involvement in struggling does not necessarily imply that he will actually get free , it simply places him before the getting free which he aims to realize .
14 He then directs him to the message to the angel of the church at Laodicea in the third chapter of Revelation .
15 It certainly puts him in a different frame of mind , for on hearing it he resolves to beg forgiveness of his mistress for being jealous ( ex.13 ) .
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