Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb -s] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll remember her wise words if someone ever has a heart attack while I 'm around — there 's no particular hurry . ’
2 We also provide details of a simple AM tuner which can be added to an audio system which only has an FM reception capability .
3 Hence salivary , gastric , pancreatic and intestinal secretions all contribute to the large volume of fluid which daily enters the gut lumen .
4 These whirlwind developments were a long time in the planning but the results came with staggering speed and remarkable good nature and co-operation which finally sees the rugby world totally united once again but with a new combined force lurking below the equator .
5 Even SCO insiders are speculating on the possibility that Novell could pick up where USL left off or that Microsoft Corp , which already owns a minority piece of SCO , could come back for more .
6 It will be clear that for this approach an artefact which already embodies a categorization process is clearly distinguished from a natural object which does not .
7 I 've got a small networking job which needs doing quickly in Dr Pankhurst 's room — basically it 's to network in two additional PCs , one of which already has a network card .
8 For example , is it good business sense to open a fish and chip shop in a row of shops which already includes a burger bar , a Chinese take-away and an Indian restaurant .
9 FORGET dull colours and dreary clothes , the depressing wardrobe which normally heralds the autumn chill — instead , warm to winter in cosy and colourful casuals .
10 The chosen option must be the one which best fits the forecast cost for the total project .
11 Operating on a word at a time using letter prototypes and allowing any letter to follow any letter , elastic matching is used to find the prototype sequence which best fits the input word vector .
12 These functions may be distinguished from individual casework ( and particularly the demands of short term crisis management ) which broadly characterises a fieldwork service delivery role .
13 We require two types of jump instruction ; one ( the unconditional jump ) which always changes the program counter , and one ( the conditional jump ) which changes the program counter only if a certain condition is true ( such as that the accumulator contains a non-negative value ) ; if the condition is false , the next instruction to be executed is the one stored immediately after the jump instruction .
14 Hanging leaders were nothing out of the ordinary , and the Old Thunderer even confessed itself vexed by the ‘ overmagnanimous spirit of British law , which always presumes a man innocent until he is proven guilty ’ .
15 A simple extension is to provide a particular value of the tag field which does not specify a data format , and which always causes an error condition to be signalled whenever an operand is accessed with this value in the tag field .
16 This leads to interest expectations not being met — in itself a breach of covenant — and interest being capitalised , which further erodes the security margin .
17 In order to produce a realistic model of a mechanism , it is often necessary to produce an association which further constrains the output motion .
18 A representative of United Engineering Steels , which still owns the Brymbo site and the new mill , last night confirmed the Chinese wanted to buy the mill , though he was unable to say who would be dismantling it .
19 A representative of United Engineering Steels , which still owns the Brymbo site and the new mill , last night confirmed the Chinese wanted to buy the mill , though he was unable to say who would be dismantling it .
20 The figures are mounted on a square pedestal which still contains the iron rivet for pivoting the blade .
21 IN the recent World Cup , in changing the rules concerning the weather-affected matches , a system which unjustly penalises the side batting second was substituted for one which was usually disadvantageous to the side batting first .
22 The RSPCA , which partly funds the pig project in Oxfordshire , says it does n't want to be a spoilsport .
23 Now it has emerged that Soviet tanks are being fitted with two or three layers of the reactive armour , which probably renders the tandem warhead ineffective .
24 On June 15th — the day after its acquisition of Unix System Labs is complete — Novell Inc will announce a new partnership with Oracle Corp on new products and strategies for enterprise network computing , which probably includes the Oracle database going up on NetWare 4.0 .
25 Note Tracker is a quick-reference musician 's slide rule which clearly displays the note content and musical structure of a whole host of musical forms .
26 Jay has made a cabinet to house the tank in , which also hides the filtration equipment .
27 The type of information held is dependent upon the attribute classification , which also determines the drawing file location .
28 In 1988 what remained of Unimation was sold to Staubli , a Swiss company , which also makes the Puma range of robots .
29 The company , which makes polythene bags and which also has a recycling programme , believes a plan by Germany will not help the rest of the EC or the environment at large .
30 Other less well known relatives are the goral of southern Asia , and the two species of serow : the Japanese serow , which also has a dwarf form on Taiwan ; and the mainland serow of the warmer parts of south-east Asia .
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