Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [prep] an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The speed humps will be built in a special way which makes them less of an inconvenience to buses , ’ said Mrs Standing .
2 By way of contrast , the British shop steward reacts to , and is more prepared to challenge , management decisions , regarding himself less as an agent of regulation than as a tactician in pursuit of tangible , if elusive improvements for the rank and file' ( ibid. , p. 185 ) .
3 It offered itself also as an ideology of movement against aspects — abolitionists feared and hoped symptomatic aspects — of the established system of the later eighteenth and earlier nineteenth centuries without requiring confrontation with the central features of the metropolitan order .
4 For this kind of disproportionality only appears if an over-production of means of production has taken place and manifests itself externally as an over-production of means of consumption .
5 We will never understand them purely by an analysis of their physical form and behaviour .
6 On off days he could sound tired , and sometimes excitement carried him away to an excess of length .
7 Ring the flat , will you , Myra , and ask … no , tell Dana we expect her here in an hour for a rehearsal ?
8 It crossed Cora-Beth 's mind that this girl 's feelings towards Harry might well change if she were to meet him again after an absence of two years , but she bit back her words , fearing that the suggestion , were she to make it , might put the idea into his head .
9 So suddenly fatherless , and so abruptly given to a husband , translated from the familiar company of her sisters at Brecon to this barbarous foreign court where she was the last and loneliest of the children , Isabella had looked round her forlornly for an anchorage to which she might ride in safety .
10 If your timing is right , Positive ideas of this kind may well give her hope and encouragement , but they should not be introduced too early in the grieving process , or she may regard them almost as an insult to the depth of her sorrow at a time when she is not yet ready to look to the future .
11 When the race starts on Sunday eighty sailors will be going it alone in an assortment of vessels .
12 ‘ I 'm showing it tonight to an audience of businessmen , and I always get red-hot when I watch this kind of thing .
13 It was as filled with rare and handsome things as any other in the palazzo , yet it had a different feel to it , as if its owner had furnished it more with an eye to what pleased him than to effect .
14 After a moment I lifted my head and cried , ‘ Do n't throw yourself away on an animal like him !
15 What else on an evening like this ?
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