Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 America and Germany are countries which are particularly good at recruiting and keeping in regular contact with their supporters , which makes it far easier to galvanise them when you need them most in the run-up to an election .
2 Sergeant Bird watched fascinated while Frobisher diligently examined every vessel , finally dissecting them right off the base of the brain in order to see the other side .
3 They are ongoing in that they are still at an early stage and in that the process of applying them right across the whole of the NHS will take several years-probably up to the end of the century .
4 As these are decorations and not toys , you can use glass or pearl-headed pins to make the halo , either pushing them right into the head like a wreath , or half-way in so that the halo stands away from the head .
5 And if you 're in the middle of a supermarket , you can talk to them right in the middle of a supermarket .
6 Nevertheless , all inductivists would claim that in so far as scientific theories can be justified , they are justified by supporting them inductively on the basis of some more-or-less secure basis provided by experience .
7 She led them slowly through the graveyard to the burial site .
8 Liquid crystals — these are able to store ingredients such as vitamin E and release them slowly into the skin for prolonged benefits .
9 He gets up , holding the thin sheets of paper in front of him , perhaps just a little further away from himself than he normally would , and puts them delicately on the desk in front of me .
10 ‘ Someone who may be able to lead me right to the heart of the operation , ’ he said softly .
11 ‘ It caught me right on the side of my face , ’ she said .
12 Er it does seem crazy to send them all round the country without insuring them .
13 She was unimpressed by both her grandfather 's reputation and his work : she had removed from her bedroom wall a large still-life of gladioli and a small representation of a baby 's head and stacked them carelessly on the landing in order to make room for a poster of Humphrey Bogart .
14 It 's now about bringing everyone together for the good of British rugby , ’ said the Scot .
15 Every clinic in the United Kingdom has to collect figures on the total attendance and the diagnoses and submit them quarterly to the Department of Health .
16 Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with important political connections in the town of Stirling , sent Drummond with her letter of recommendation to call on Lord Milton , the intermediary through whom much of the Duke of Argyll 's patronage was distributed .
17 The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences , men will challenge them only at the risk of failure .
18 Ought I to restrict supplies to certain retailers only , or release them only on the certificate of a doctor or justice of the peace , or simply rely on those who can afford to pay getting them on the black market ? ’
19 Neaten the joins of the strips as you go along , and press them gently into the side of the cake with your fingers .
20 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
21 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
22 But the workers hope to marry them together with the aid of computer techniques to come up with sets of data ‘ signatures ’ that will indicate deposits far beneath the Earth .
23 Out of the morally serious upper middle-class English air he took empiricism and Idealism , the assumption of pre-determined progress and a belief in benevolent intervention , the general English notions of biological evolution and a Comtean conviction in positive altruism and put them together in the service of a liberal socialist ideal .
24 Their performances have , over the years , given ordinary people a much-needed reason to feel pride in their native city , while binding them together in the sharing of two terrible tragedies .
25 This and many other means to exhilarate the heart of man have been practised in all ages , as knowing there is nothing better to the preservation of man 's life .
26 Did he live with me only for the sake of appearances , perhaps ?
27 So , in fact you 're not going to do anything to them much in the way of discouraging them from removing their forest , by stopping them exporting small amounts of .
28 Stubbly paused for a moment , then rocked forward on his heels and prodded me gently in the chest with a forefinger .
29 We must apply ourselves right to the end of games . ’
30 Patrick , crouched over his books at the other end of the table , never asked his advice ; but then Patrick had always been faintly hostile and jealous of a masculine encroachment on a territory that had been his alone since the departure of the two eldest boys .
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