Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The clips are short — no more than a couple of seconds each — but you can run them together using the editing program .
2 1985 was special for me — as one of the National Display Team I took part in the CCPR celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall , and later in that year I successfully completed the Medau Teacher Training Course .
3 I slowly closed the cupboard door and then settled down in my bed .
4 I rather like the Nimbus set , despite the generous acoustics and the occasional technical frailty , as not only has one the inestimable benefit of hearing the music shaped , balanced , and paced in a way that at least approximates the sort of thing Schubert originally had in mind , but they all sound as though they 're having such a jolly good time ( one palls at the though of all those ghastly , poe-faced Schubert records which litter the catalogue ) .
5 I personally think the strength bonus their weapon gives more than compensates for their lack of a shield .
6 To put the record straight , I inadvertently misplaced the team sheet sent by Clansford and , to meet the printer 's deadline I was forced to make up their team off the top of my head .
7 I only hope the Christmas pudding is all right , ’ said Christine anxiously .
8 I only want the television page
9 I especially liked the Sci-Fi Drive-In Diner at MGM : a 250-seater restaurant where each ‘ table ’ is in a 1950s open-top car and the big-screen entertainment is provided by clips from black-and-white , B-movie classics like The Day The Earth Stood Still .
10 Had I just seen the DOS version , I 'd have been a little niggled about some of the design parameters , but very impressed at the functionality , with an overall favourable opinion .
11 At first , I just ran the Equalizer program on a desktop computer .
12 If I just draw the carbon skeleton .
13 ‘ I 'm very concerned and I just wish the Rugby Union were as concerned as I am , ’ he said .
14 Saturday morning dawned late for me , and I just caught the tail end of Sport on Four .
15 it was , I just caught the tail end of it on the news , on the
16 I finally encountered the bomb baby , thus fulfilling the ironic prophecy of my dreams .
17 ‘ The first time I ever heard the Rodrigo guitar concerto , I fell in love with the sound of the instrument , more than anything else .
18 er , I must , I always claim the attendance allowance when it has been as executive , as I 've been the one member from Wiltshire attending .
19 Saturday night I always do the gas oven out .
20 I always leave the hall light on when I go out , ’ Ianthe explained .
21 I still had the golf bug .
22 ‘ Of course I still miss the Football League , the chance to get stuck in .
23 In terms of prospecting , I usually do the training exhibition at the N E C every July , er , in eighty six , a man came onto my stand and we chatted for half an hour , he then said to tell you the truth I 'm not interested now , but I will be interested next May .
24 Guiding our distinguished visitor to the hotel lift I quickly scribbled the word MELACHUSETUCK on a blank page from my note-book and handed it to Mr Murray .
25 I also remember the stone lettering on the shop 's Milford Street wall announcing Cripps Tea and Grocery Warehouse .
26 I also resented the way Millet was simpering at me .
27 I also thank the hunting fraternity for their documentary they sent me on hunting the facts .
28 I also had the seed cake , ’ Fitzormonde murmured .
29 However , I also attended the village evening school , which was organized by an ancient relation of Mr Wopsle 's .
30 I also took the body temperature anew . ’
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