Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] 've do [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
2 Whatever you 've done you 've done for science and not for me personally , whether you see it that way or not .
3 So what we 've done we 've made a film just to show you all the different jobs that archaeologists do .
4 So what we 've done we thought we 're gon na have to replicate that hearth .
5 On the C P A on the C P A of the factory extension what we 've done we have ordered the digger which is taking a duration of seven days .
6 See what they 've done they 've waited for December have n't they ?
7 What they 've done they 've put this onto a warm plate , that 's why it 's melting so much .
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