Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [is] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course this is a self-destructive and lonely ‘ solution' ; Lucy herself admits that she has got caught up in a pattern of starving and bingeing which she is at the moment unable to see a way out of .
2 The Boy does not have that rather hoarse sound that Falla wanted , but sounds merely like a well-trained choirboy. master peter sounds neither servile , which he is at the start , nor terrified , which he should be at the end .
3 That is the really fruitful aspect of Cézanne 's painting and the reason for which it is at the root of all the modern tendencies . ’
4 As we have said , these questions are the subject of a large amount of current research which it is beyond the scope of this book to consider .
5 ( Her assassination in Nicaragua in April 1983 has had serious political repercussions which it is beyond the compass of this book to discuss . )
6 Once again , a sufferer is seen to be mad , and his fearful sense of what he is up to can be seen to dominate the book in which it is in the end defeated or controverted .
7 I think for the male student who is subject to sexual harassment , or who gets the sort of inappropriate approaches that Marianne is talking about , that is unusual , it 's out of step with the way in which he perceives himself , and his sense of what he is and who he is in the world .
8 Whatever the truth of who it is on the tape , this chap could easily have monitored the whole conversation over 23 minutes . ’
9 Erm I said to you he 's on the settee
10 You it 's in the introduction here .
11 ‘ I told you it 's from the top .
12 You do n't know him he 's in the army .
13 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
14 Sue will be so happy , but for me it 's like the end of a long dream .
15 Whether strictly order twenty eight , er order sixty , rule twenty eight for erm applies in this case is not amount entirely clear to me because the obligation to lodge a bill of taxation under rule twenty nine provides that he must begin proceedings for the taxation either within three months after the judgement direction or order of the terminations enter sides are otherwise perfected , and that is presently on it 's face which seemed to be debited May of nineteen ninety three and er accordingly that is right , it 's not in fact been any failure to comply with order tw order sixty two , rule twenty nine , one , and that has n't been disregarded , it 's not entirely clear to me that erm there is any matter come from paragraph sub paragraph A of rule twenty eight , four , it may already require , still nevertheless erm fall within paragraph B of rule fo , erm there has in fact been a delay in lodging the bill of costs for taxation , the delay being really and truly , the delay in having the order of Mr Justice perfected and it seems to me that although in chasing matters generally speaking it is the court will itself draw the order , nevertheless where er it seems to be clearly in this case would contemplate it that counsel would sign a minute erm that counsel do sign a minute and that minute has been signed having forwarded by the defendants solicitors to the defendants solicitors seems to me it must be the case that erm the obligation to , as it were , forward that minute to the court , it is an obligation which would lie upon the plaintiffs solicitors and it maybe said that erm there has been delay and erm on the best it should be lodged with the court sealed , er shortly after it was received and that therefore on that footing there has been delay lodging the bill of costs for concession , er Mr , doctor does n't seemed to be take any point in relation to that er because it 's not in his interest to do so , it seems to be that he does have to say if it has been delayed , with an order of twenty eight rule four that 's a rule , rule , rule twenty eight er four if he is to have interest disbarred and er Mr er he 'll apparently have the matter of read before the taxing master , it seems that the taxing master did not chew any sympathy with that er suggestion , that er there was in fact no breach of the requirement rule twenty , four , Mr he said , very probably , that erm , look on text upon it , he really is concerned to erm have this case dealt with as you put it on the merits , it seems to me it 's in the interest of all parties that erm I should deal with the case on merits have on the assumption erm that er , that that was lodged properly I think , I ca I , a matter of which found within rule twenty eight , four and that the taxing officer give our interest under that rule .
16 Wasted it it 's for the house in n it ?
17 It 's floating poke it down and see if it 'll reach , it 'll go to the bottom , that 's it it 's on the bottom , oh no it jumped up , it 's a definite floater that one .
18 The rest of the speech is saying that since the whole argument must have no excuse for what he is at the moment , it must be looked at like this : that when he becomes greater , he will become very dangerous to Rome : like a serpent still in the egg , which , when hatched , will become deadly .
19 Whatever it is about the cuckoo 's gape that acts like a drug on the host 's nervous system , it must have originated as a genetic mutation .
20 And remember , it 's for about three minutes only and the driver will be busy doing whatever it is inside the van . ’
21 Much depends on the intangibles which produce whatever it is in the ether that allows creative sparks to ignite .
22 The most common failings are to rely too much on words rather than extensively labelled diagrams , to use technical terms and concepts which the user may not understand , to focus on what it is at the expense of what it does and to fail to separate the needs of the operator from the details which are needed to set up the device , to locate faults , to provide remedies and to provide routine maintenance .
23 So that , I think , is where this research ought to go , into truly expert systems rather than in statistical machines , which is what it is at the moment .
24 Thus to a large extent a horse is what it is through the formation of many habits .
25 And that er , that 's what it is on the thing , jacket potato on there ?
26 In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment .
27 It is nevertheless of interest to see from their reaction to the various issues raised in the questionnaire , just what it is about the scheme ( and about SSE generally ) , which they feel is threatening .
28 The theories that have guided these insights into the mechanisms of psychotic and creative thought do not , of course , specify what it is about the brain that might account for the differences observed in schizophrenic and schizotypal individuals .
29 Suppose that I point at a chair and say ‘ By ‘ chair ’ I mean that ’ , nothing in what I have done creates the desired meaning for the word ‘ chair ’ unless I can further characterise what it is about the object I am pointing to that I am taking as relevant ; for example , I might say ‘ that sort of furniture ’ , and this would improve matters , but I have to have the concept of furniture first .
30 You can only raise it two you ca n't raise it by more than the , what it is in the pot .
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