Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is Mrs Crupp 's dish of kidneys , sir , for which she sent out to the pastrycook in David Copperfield .
2 The locals thought she was a stuck-up bitch from Belfast , which she played up to the hilt , and the other guests — foreigners , mostly Dutch and Germans by their collar sizes — were taken by her vivacity , and the calm indulgence of the quiet , handsome man opposite her , who said little , smiled a lot , and ordered a second full fried breakfast in a way that had the waitress fit to melt into his arms .
3 From it she took a book , which she carried over to the dressing-table .
4 She found a penny and two ha'pennies in her purse , and the publican had served her a little port in exchange , which she sipped close to the blazing fire .
5 And Miss Streep duly arrived on her bicycle which she chained confidently to the theatre railings .
6 Another friend puts all her bits and pieces like grooming brushes and fly repellent in an old door manger , which she fastened on to the door .
7 This was held by Salmon J. in Mount v. Jay & Jay Ltd. ( 1959 Q.B. ) where the buyers wrote their own delivery order which they sent off to the sub-purchaser .
8 We were fascinated by the lither , graceful women , effortlessly balancing judge , beautiful towers of fruit on their heads , which they took daily to the temples for blessing .
9 Already their numbers had been so diminished by persecution and by unfavourable trading terms in Henry III 's reign that the tallage which they paid annually to the king was less under Edward I than he might gain by seizing their estates and inducing a clerical subsidy by their expulsion .
10 But the conservatives within the party were more alarmed by the decline in ‘ socialist morality ’ which they attributed directly to the reform and open-door policies .
11 Clutching himself he crawled back to the cabinet and ran a tentative hand over the woodwork .
12 Devlin rammed the muzzle of the Walther into his neck and reached inside Berger 's coat , removing the Mauser which he tossed on to the bar .
13 Etchings were sent to a printer to make some impressions and someone surreptitiously made copies which he passed on to the defendant who intended to display them in an exhibition which the public could attend on payment of an admission charge .
14 Drawing on a Stoic concept of seeds , which he applied even to the origin of Adam and Eve , he had a sense of natural order that could hardly be considered hostile to further inquiry .
15 I think I 'll have a beer tonight Knock , give the jake a rest , ’ said Yanto ‘ Suit yourself , ’ Knocker replied , and drew off a pint of bitter , which he held up to the light .
16 — This trend to professional academic specialization is confirmed by G. B. Harrison , writing in 1940 on the Review 's first fifteen years : " It will hardly be denied by anyone who looks through the files of the Review that the earlier numbers were more interesting than the later " , which he put down to the " increasing specialization in English , as in all forms of study " .
17 Carole had said that the style of warden could really make a difference , and I was relieved to see that Aj was far too easy-going to be a slave-driver ; a non-conformist , his regulation chocolate-brown corduroy trousers were bleached white , a phenomenon which he put down to the use of Ariel automatic .
18 They were the gate by which he entered on to the path which led ultimately to his acceptance as the authority on the distribution of arctic-alpine flora in Britain .
19 The conference adopted a resolution which stated that " for the Slovene LC the 14th extraordinary congress of the LCY has ended , and the LCY , in the form which it had up to the congress , has ceased to exist " .
20 When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage and such was her control over the audience now , he had to back off , otherwise it would have been he who looked ridiculous .
21 With the dog at heel beside him they walked round to the rear of the house .
22 If you did n't get it you went in to the supplementary .
23 It was as if her mind had split into two separate portions , Gina thought as with one part of it she listened attentively to the technical explanations and absorbed the aesthetic appearance of the system with approving eyes , her creative instincts stimulated with the challenge with which she 'd been bestowed .
24 As soon as she took it he went over to the window and stood gazing out at the rain .
25 : Confess what you did wrong to the person you wronged .
26 What it gave them was a visible stage , a public platform — and what they gave back to the ‘ end ’ was a sense of itself , a common life-style .
27 With that behind us we moved on to the interaction of language and context which defines language function ; to the possibility of establishing overall structures of discourse related to particular discourse types ; and to conversational mechanisms ( although they might also be regarded , like cohesion , as formal devices linking smaller units ) .
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