Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] in the same " in BNC.

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1 This created two new corners , which I treated in the same way , and so on till I achieved the shape marked out .
2 In the round before they attack , the valley is filled with their bizarre hoots and screeches , which they use in the same manner as bats to navigate and locate their prey .
3 At the end of the news conference Mr Levy was asked a question in Hebrew , to which he replied in the same language ; there was no translation , and Mr Hurd was forced to summon a member of the British Embassy staff to translate .
4 Then came the meeting with the woman whom he was to marry , a meeting about which he writes in the same book .
5 and some of them differ so much from others who you put in the same box and you
6 He is now hoping to raise enough money to return to Bosnia to continue his work , and while the thought he had to kill still haunts him he says in the same situation he would not fail to kill again .
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