Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Faraway Moses , who was once Count St Sylvain and a Black Rider , is captured and imprisoned , Jasper the Terrible , who has made himself responsible for the boy in his own household , offers to release the man who has become like a father to Dick if he will reveal the names of the other Confederates .
2 I 'm going to get some sleep , then I need to keep her amused for the rest of the day .
3 Nearer and nearer the squares came to the picture until there were only four left and Ferdinando made himself ready for the journey to Leghorn , where he would take over Gigia and Oreste from Mr Ogilvy , who continued to Rome , and see one to Florence and the other to Siena .
4 I wish you well for the remainder of the holidays and look forward to seeing you all again at our Qualified Teachers days .
5 I wish you well for the remainder of the holidays and look forward to seeing you all again at our Qualified Teachers days .
6 The letter , from Oxfordshire County Council 's engineering department , said : ’ I understand you are the owner of the vehicle involved and therefore must inform you that the council holds you responsible for the costs of repairs arising from this incident . ’
7 In France State-owned arms factories were set up at Maubeuge and Charleville in 1718 ; the government made itself responsible for the supply of uniforms in 1747 ; and the old system of military hospitals , which had left them largely in private hands , was abolished in 1788 .
8 The Department of Health and Social Security is itself responsible for the delivery of social security benefits , and maintains its own regional structure and a system of local offices for this purpose .
9 Are you happy for the whole of your group to ?
10 And , no conferring , but are you ready for the Challenge of the Nineties ?
11 Are you ready for the moment of truth ? ’
12 The nursery rooms have everything necessary for the baby of the day .
13 Instead of promoting a situation in which everyone is itching to do something positive for the good of the Tour , we merely ended up with a handful of players who did nothing but complain . ’
14 Here Miss Wharton , as was her custom each Wednesday and Friday , would weed out the dead flowers from the vase in front of the statue of the Virgin , scrape the wax and candle stubs from the brass holders , dust the two rows of chairs in the Lady Chapel , which would be adequate for the small congregation expected at that morning 's early Mass , and make everything ready for the arrival at nine twenty of Father Barnes .
15 From the very young to the very old , the May weekend is something special for the villagers of Gawthorpe .
16 Nobody would now hold them responsible for the Revolution in France , but the Encyclopedie , which Diderot inaugurated ( and edited with D'Alembert ) and to which he contributed hundreds of articles himself , undermined the authority of the regime , and argued for a re-ordering of society on rational grounds .
17 Faye could not paint or draw while lying in bed , but in the mornings Belinda usually read to her for an hour while she rested her eyes , then left her alone for the remainder of the morning to rest or scribble ideas for future painting projects .
18 Mr Nicklin , a 48-year-old insurance manager , was kept captive for two years by the Saudis , who held him responsible for the debts of his American-owned firm .
19 Maj. Miguel Nieto , the Chief of Operations of the National Police , was dismissed on June 18 and his immediate arrest was ordered , following government investigations which held him responsible for the failure of the security forces to quell the disturbances .
20 Scott gave Ruskin little praise in his later writings and held him responsible for the introduction of the ‘ Italian mania ’ into the Gothic Revival .
21 He is designated Commander-in-Chief , making him responsible for the safety of US troops abroad and for dealing with any threat to the nation 's security at home .
22 In the first instance , the section permitted a chief officer of police who reasonably apprehended that a procession ‘ may occasion serious public disorder ’ to impose such conditions ‘ as appear[ed] to him necessary for the preservation of public order ’ .
23 It is little known that poll tax collectors not only have the authority to arrest those they suspect of defaulting on poll tax and strip them naked for the purposes of search ( without any obligation to mend or replace clothing which is destroyed in the process ) , but they can also apply torture in cases where they have reason to believe poll tax is being withheld — at any rate until such time as the defaulters reveal where their money is hidden .
24 There would be no point in designing software to control access to the video disc , unless suitable interfaces are also available to make it possible for the computer in the system to communicate with the video disc player and control its operation .
25 I mean the Marxism was the motivation just as it was for the Chinese but er I do n't think the Russian revolution remained Marxist revolution for very long But the achievement of revolution did make it possible for the success of revolution to be seen by the Chinese because it had already been achieved .
26 It is this kind of objective correspondence which makes it possible for the experience of racism to become connected to paranoid structures of feeling and phantasy which originate at a quite different and more unconscious level of representation .
27 Is it possible for the Church of England to proclaim this redemption with integrity and conviction in our day unless it ordains women as well as men as priests ?
28 Nor is it possible for the sufferer to ‘ snap out of it ’ as is often suggested with varying degrees of tactfulness .
29 It was this that made it possible for the whole of the cuckoo 's breeding cycle to be filmed , resulting in an early classic of wildlife photography , The Cuckoo 's Secret .
30 The Act makes it possible for the properties to be transferred from the local authorities to housing associations , tenant co-operatives , or private landlords .
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