Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] also [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Then the density of undisturbed fluid at height Δz is ( the suffix a signifying ‘ ambient ’ ) , which may also be expressed where N is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency .
2 Each beatitude begins with the word ‘ blessed ’ , which could also be translated as ‘ happy ’ .
3 There have been suggestions that some of these experiences , especially the sequences of geometrical shapes , or flashes , may be the result of discharges from the retina occurring in the absence of any stimulation — the so-called entoptic phenomenon — which can also be observed when the eyes are open in the pitch-dark .
4 The litter component will also help to maintain nutrient status which can also be manipulated if careful thought is given to the mixture of species ( both tree and crop ) to be grown in juxtaposition .
5 You may also be told that there is an alternative route via Dakar , some 500 kilometres away , which may give you a connecting flight to Praia , the capital on Santiago Island — provided , of course , that the plane turns up .
6 Therefore you might also be constipated and heavier because your intestines are holding extra food .
7 You will also be asked if any of these people are students .
8 Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return .
9 The Kurdish delegates , to underline the point that they too are Iraqi , speak up against any violation of sovereignty ; they may also be proposing that the Kurdish guerrillas be somehow absorbed into the Iraqi armed forces as a local militia protecting the autonomous zone .
10 They may also be excluded because they are not entitled to benefits , do not register for work , or do not define themselves as unemployed .
11 They may also be taken as valuable additions to courses which do not specifically include them .
12 They must be considered reasonable by the parties to them at the time of entering into the contract and they must also be seen as reasonable from an objective point of view .
13 They must also be performed and co-ordinated with the occupational gestures that belong to the location and that are employed by the particular inhabitants whose story , with its moods , emotions and actions , is being told .
14 They should also be given and encouraged to use enforcement powers where necessary .
15 Virtually all items previously classified as extraordinary will now be charged or credited in arriving at earnings , but they should also be reclassified as exceptional and should therefore continue to be disclosed .
16 They should also be avoided if you suffer from asthma ; concentrated steam may trigger an attack .
17 They should also be briefed as to the questions they should ask .
18 ‘ In the judgment of this court , when a witness is shown to have made previous statements inconsistent with the evidence given by that witness at the trial , the jury should not merely be directed that the evidence given at the trial should be regarded as unreliable ; they should also be directed that the previous statements , whether sworn or unsworn , do not constitute evidence upon which they can act .
19 But they can also be seen as communicatively motivated , the realization of available resources to get a message across .
20 They can also be repaired if punctured using PVC cement and/or patches .
21 It may also be argued that , provided a computer record is sympathetically laid out , it is more readable than many handwritten entries found in registers , where handwriting , variations in content and idiosyncrasies of style may conspire to confuse the reader .
22 It may also be argued that Roman military advances effectively changed the artistic map of Italy .
23 It may also be argued that , as this field is concerned with aspects of the student that are intimately connected with her personality , it would be unethical to attempt systematically to bring about changes .
24 It may also be argued that the user 's strategy adopted for subject searching is a response to the very design of the card dictionary catalogue .
25 It may also be argued that some limits to growth , which Hirsch ( 1977 ) called ‘ social limits ’ , are already operating .
26 It may also be argued that numbering an Information Memorandum shows an intent to control and restrict the circulation and therefore complies with Companies Act 's requirements for prospectuses and the provisions of the FSA .
27 It may also be argued that the negative correlation we have found between breath H 2 exretion and MCTT was due to the lactulose taken with the breakfast .
28 It may also be observed that , if , is monotonically increasing .
29 It may also be observed that , with the positive signs in ( 10.24 ) and ( 10.25 ) , f and g are increasing functions that are inconsistent with ( 7.13 ) .
30 It may also be observed that the transformation ( 12.1 ) can be used to obtain the soliton solution of Ferrari and Ibañez ( 1987 b ) described in Section 10.4 , using as seed the Khan Penrose solution .
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