Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not [be] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I will not be here when you return from the invasion of France .
2 However many facts I know about another person I can treat him as pure means , but I can not be perceptually and emotionally aware from his viewpoint without letting his inclinations interact with mine and affect my ends .
3 However , a Contracting State is entitled to declare that an application must be filed within a stated period from the date of entry of the judgment , a period which must not be less than one year .
4 Even when there is a grain or more of truth in a criticism , you may not be wholly or , indeed , mainly to blame .
5 ‘ But you 'll not be there that often , ’ Karr had warned him .
6 As I passed the boy , who could not be more than 10 years of age , he said :
7 She can not be more than twelve years old . ’
8 Understanding involves an area more extensive than that of which one can be conscious ; one can not be outside and inside at the same time …
9 I hope that there will not be more than one bid from within a company and I believe that it is unlikely to happen .
10 Since there is only one cycle created when I to J is added there will be no cycles left after the edge p to q is dropped and so there can not be more than one path from i to l for any i .
11 At first sight this question might seem to be a nonsense : since , as we have seen , a reasonable definition of the Universe is ‘ everything that has , does and will exist ’ , surely there can not be more than one of them ?
12 One can therefore say that the observations of the gamma ray background do not provide any positive evidence for primordial black holes , but they do tell us that on average there can not be more than 300 in every cubic light-year in the universe .
13 They should not be less than one metre deep and all peat , silt and made-up ground should be avoided .
14 They would not be there unless they shared the European ideal and believed themselves to be an integral part of the process of European unity .
15 Today , despite assurances given by the Under-Secretary of State for Social Security in Committee , crucial regulations on disability have been botched together with the uprating measures so that they can not be effectively and properly considered by Parliament .
16 I think we have to say that er I would imagine that plans are well advanced for the nineteen ninety/ninety one/ninety two settlement , er so it may not be immediately that er we will get the benefit of what we said to him .
17 Thus to love or hate you , it may not be enough that your actions in your own interests make all the difference between success and failure for my highest hopes ; but it may be enough , even if nothing you do has any bearing on my projects , that in being drawn to or shrinking from your viewpoint I feel myself in touch with a personality of which the total pattern attracts or repels my own .
18 It may not be long before her view is upheld .
19 It may not be long before the roof falls in .
20 It may not be long before PCR kits are available , comprising test tubes containing all the reagents in a ‘ pre-mix ’ .
21 With the housing market still struggling to recover , the Bonners may not be moving in the very near future — but it 's rare for follies to come on the market , especially ones you can live in — so it may not be long before a buyer comes along keen to take up residence in Enoch 's Tower .
22 If they do , it may not be long before we have to pay the price .
23 This is 1 million Hungarian forints ( roughly equal to £8,000 ) , and although the contribution of members may differ it may not be less than 100,000 forints each and the amount must be divisible by 10,000 forints .
24 Given the potential biomass residues , in the Third World , it must not be long before gasifiers are produced which are not constrained by the current composition of fuel .
25 It might not be so if a licence agreement includes terms to the effect that the licensor will himself make a further copy available to the licensee in the event of failure of the original copy .
26 It could not be otherwise if literary intelligence was to make itself available in drawing-rooms to administrative and political decision making .
27 It could not be otherwise because the very difference and supremacy of the West were constructed around this image of Arab and Islamic otherness .
28 It could not be long before the football emperor was in truly royal circles He met King George V , Queen Mary and the Prince of Wales , and often discussed points of play with the King during Cup finals .
29 Meehan should have been released immediately , but instead the authorities offered him parole , that is release on licence , which he properly and courageously rejected , knowing it could not be long before he was released unconditionally .
30 It could not be there unless the object reflected in this way existed .
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