Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 It meant I would n't be perceived as another girl singer — and I could set the look and feel and energy of what I was about . ’
2 ‘ It 's a big game for me , but I will not be overawed as I 'm not the nervous type .
3 It claimed that very few of those who had died in the violence had been killed by traditional weapons , that 75 per cent of deaths were caused by bullets and 20 per cent by hacking with weapons which could not be described as traditional .
4 Can we expect to achieve sufficient political agreement to formulate the necessary dispute-resolving rules in an ideologically divided world , even if the avowed intention is to establish rules which are neutral as between such ideologies , the acceptance of which would not be taken as manifesting more than a commitment to getting some agreed rules ?
5 those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which can not be limited as required by this Protocol ; and consequently , in each such case , are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction .
6 Every day Theo hears calls for help and especially for pastors for the infant churches , which can not be met as the personnel are not available .
7 However , a new approach to the question of remedies available for breach was occasioned by Diplock LJ in Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co Ltd v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd [ 1962 ] 2 QB 26 ( at p70 ) : There are … many contractual undertakings of a more complex character which can not be categorised as being " conditions " or " warranties " , if the late 19th century meaning adopted in the Sale of Goods Act , 1893 , and used by Bowen LJ in Bentsen v Taylor , Sons & Co be given to those terms .
8 Some people may sprint when they run , but I have seen people running for the bus who could not be described as sprinting .
9 ‘ So , provided the next urine test is OK , I see no reason why she ca n't be discharged as well , ’ said Lindsey .
10 Attempting to get to grips with all the developments in nursing over the past five years is meat enough for any expert , and you will not be regarded as letting the side down just because you are not familiar with all the latest terminology or research in your clinical specialty .
11 Most of them have been accidentally obtained from seeds so they must not be esteemed as different species , therefore I shall only insert their common names by which they are known in gardens , that those who are inclined to collect all the varieties may be at no loss for their titles .
12 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
13 Birkbeck 's study of garbage pickers in Cali , Colombia , suggests that they should not be viewed as vagrants left behind by economic development but as workers who are part of the industrial system ( Birkbeck 1979 ) .
14 These funerary items were nearly always painted by heraldic amateurs — signwriters , coachbuilders and so on — so although they provide useful clues they should not be regarded as authoritative , but of course the fact that they are not can also form part of the story the local historian has to tell .
15 As for polyunsaturated fats , these are a preferable substitute in our diet , but even they should not be regarded as totally beneficial .
16 They should not be regarded as simply a last resort , but involved in the consultation process surrounding possible action to prevent risk to employees .
17 Controlling his own forces required more subtle tactics , for they could not be dismissed as " anti-Spain " and their part in his victory and elevation gave them a claim on his gratitude and on how post-war Spain would be shaped .
18 As such , they could not be considered as autonomous agents .
19 In accepting the payments the revenue were doing no more than agreeing that they would not be treated as prejudicing any such right .
20 But they ca n't be rewarded as men can .
21 They think of their children 's warm squirming bodies and entreat that as they grow up they will not be hurt as they have been — ;
22 I hope that they will not be interpreted as questioning the adequacy of existing services .
23 The last point can be essential to persuade major companies that they will not be used as ‘ stalking horses ’ and that the major effort and expense put in by them will not be wasted .
24 They wo n't be evicted as they plan to leave .
25 They wo n't be evicted as they plan to leave .
26 A problem with this idea is of course that most dreams are not remembered , so that even if solutions to problems are achieved during dreams they can not be regarded as adaptive , unless we are to believe that these solutions are somehow incorporated unconsciously .
27 For if such complexes ' are to play the role of particulars , they can not be regarded as being logically on a par with single qualities .
28 In the absence of this information , it is sound practice to make a secondary arrangement of key words ; they can not be left as they are above , for they make sense only as their interrelation is explicitly shown .
29 But it , as I have suggested , the structures of identity formation at work here are fundamental to our existing cultural forms , they can not be considered as stemming only from the psychoanalytic tradition .
30 Winter savory can be grown from seed sown outdoors in August ; it should not be covered as it needs light to germinate when it will then sprout in about ten days .
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