Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not give [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I must not give way to it , because it is so unlike me and quite causeless .
2 I would not give space to anti-arrhythmics in my bag as a GP .
3 I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman at the moment ; not in this speech .
4 No , I shall not give way to the hon. Gentleman .
5 I shall not give way to my hon. Friend , as I believe that I have done so once already and I have only a little time left .
6 I can not give credence to the 17 per cent .
7 With regret , I can not give way to the hon. Gentleman on this occasion .
8 There was , it seemed , no peculiar distinction , however trifling or minute , which might not give value to a volume , providing the indispensable quality of scarcity , or rare occurrence , was attached to it .
9 Where the activity involved is one which would not give rise to insuperable planning objections if it were carried out somewhere else , then the planning authority should do all it can to help in finding suitable alternative premises before initiating enforcement action .
10 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
11 You ca n't give prominence to everything , ’ he says .
12 The engineer with the irreverent sense of humour who would n't give houseroom to a defunct machine but who would carefully dismantle and put by any parts that might be of use later on would — this time next year — be helping to nourish the rose beds .
13 One must not give way to despair .
14 In this buyers ' guide we cover and comment on the best ( and some we would n't give tank-space to ) and leave the reader to judge .
15 Erm in so that it 's our fault really that we ca n't give work to our our er people .
16 We will not give way to those who mistakenly believe that power grows out of the barrel of a gun .
17 Manjiku was the creature who wanted to be a woman ; the beast that stole children for his own because he could not give birth to them himself .
18 Notwithstanding , the firm has backed all the way , and has continued to work for Bell Lawrie , even if he can not give advice to clients .
19 Again , it has been held that the Prison rules are merely ‘ regulatory ’ and that breach of them can not give rise to a cause of action for damages although it may found an application for judicial review .
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