Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] be [adj] for each " in BNC.

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1 So for any particular project we want a quality plan which will tell us what the client brief is , tell us which procedures we 're going to use from the suite of procedures available within C E D G , and following the dictates of the quality plan which will be individual for each individual project , we get an output .
2 It would be good for each of us to take time this week to thank God for the work of world mission that was revived in 1792 through the effort of William Carey and those around him .
3 I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a clearly defined area of responsibility in order to spread the load and develop expertise in particular areas .
4 It argued that without them : it would not be possible , in practice , to operate a system of resale price maintenance because it would be impracticable for each publisher to specify his own conditions of sale ; booksellers would find it impossible to comply with all the varied terms imposed by different publishers ; booksellers would lose their assurance that they were not being undercut ; and the Association itself could not effectively monitor individual resale agreements .
5 It would be wise for each of us to draw up our own list and carefully think through the issues involved in each .
6 If more than one LIFESPAN system is running simultaneously on a computer it will be necessary for each one to operate its own independent offline system using different media items .
7 Before we seek authorisation for the production phase , it will be necessary for each nation to restate or modify it 's planned off take and that will be done very firmly on the basis of the studies which er Group Captain Granville White has already d described which will factor in er against our military tasks , which is , y you know we define now fairly clearly , er exactly what aircraft are needed to undertake those tasks in what scenarios and in the future er as you say , there may well be scope for er adding additional aircraft types to that .
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