Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There are , of course , many schools other than those listed in the appendix , and also a great many private coaches , all of whom may be found in the publication Contacts , a trade book everyone interested in joining the profession should obtain from the office of The Spotlight , 42–43 Cranbourn St , London WC2H 7AP .
2 Unfortunately , anyone phoning who wants to buy shiny tights with the word ‘ climb ’ on them must be referred to The Samaritans .
3 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
4 No-one should be fooled by the small fluctuation in this month 's unemployment figures as they are being claimed by the Government themselves as possibly erratic .
5 Blank pages with two broad margins drawn on them should be inserted for the day 's notes .
6 His zeal for the American design had even extended to the suggestion that a batch of them should be sold to the Shah of Iran .
7 For many years it was supposed that nothing should be revealed about the bargainer 's intentions .
8 Of course there would be some non-contentious business , perhaps quite a lot ; but even then , there must also be the reservation that nothing should be disclosed by the one group to the other which might prejudice its case when the business was contentious .
9 The Scots will not now name their squad until today but nothing should be read into the delay .
10 I realise I must be wanted by the police for Saul Judge 's death , but it was not murder .
11 I did n't know if I should be flattered by the offer but I was most put out when my companion said : ‘ Throw in a goat and two carpets and she 's all yours ! ’
12 I learned later that , in the presence of a superior officer , he had wrongly suggested that I might be returned to the hotel after treatment .
13 I know if I get into trouble again I 'll be done for the arson charge and breach of probation , and that means a few years in jail and I could n't handle it .
14 I 'll be gone by the time you wake up in the morning .
15 I thought , ‘ I 'll be kept in the station for an hour dealing with all this .
16 Contempt for the emptiness of the ‘ caring ’ rhetoric of people like Chris Patten and fear of the Euro-enthusiasm of people like Mr Heseltine ( not that there are any people like Mr Heseltine , but there are many high in his party who seem to share his desire to join a United States of Europe ) have welled up , and I have thought like Malvolio : ‘ I 'll be revenged on the whole pack of you . ’
17 Whether I 'll be remembered as the most pompous , hard-to-get-along-with person they 've ever come across , because I stand up for what I believe in , or as the best athlete Britain 's ever had , which I think will be the case , I 'll always be remembered . ’
18 You 'll be taking over my job as cop winder , and when you do I 'll be promoted to the looms , just as you 'll be in time . ’
19 ‘ I 'm pretty fit and I do like cycling but I expect I 'll be shattered by the time I get to the end .
20 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
21 On the other hand , I 'd be vibrated off the couch and all over the cabin .
22 It was no place to row ashore , or I would be killed on the rocks .
23 I would be fed into the police computer , where it would join the details already stored by the hundreds of other crossings we had made .
24 I felt relieved that I had my scar from the fight at the summer party and so looked the same as everybody else — I was afraid of appearing different or clever which meant that I would be noticed by the Corporals and picked on by all the others .
25 ‘ Incidentally , if I deliberately breached a power of attorney and exploited it for my own benefit — although I ca n't think how that would be possible — I would be struck off the Roll of Solicitors by the Law Society . ’
26 ( In later years , adult years , while sitting in London stuffed with wholemeal digestives soaked in tea , I would be filled with the wheat and candour of this smell , and I would hold the digestive as long as I could in my mouth , as if aiming to grasp its exact ingredient and texture , to become its body and its recipe ) .
27 Her emotional journey is that of many women artists : ‘ I would be faced with the enormous problem of re-inventing myself ! ’
28 I had set my sights on getting a good position in training so that I would be sent to the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes .
29 I felt dirtied by the corruption of pimps , yet I would soon be free of them for I had just one more job to do , and then I would be loosed to the consolations of Masquerade and to the joys of the South Pacific 's winds .
30 Little did I know that I would be confronted with the loss of a loved one , my husband Norman , so soon and unexpectedly .
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