Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 I tell you , if I 'd have know what the content of the training was gon na be , I would 've arranged for our twelve crime prevention officers to go across there and listen to it , because there was a locksmith there that gave a lot of sound advice in relation to security of homes as well cars that really was good basic grounding for a crime prevention officer .
2 I 'd like to see what the got off .
3 I 'd like to confirm what the financial arrangements were .
4 I 'd like to know what the question was .
5 I 'd like to know what the staff do in Trevor 's organization .
6 Shit , I 'd like to know what the hell they 're up to .
7 I 'd like to hear what the mothers I would like to hear
8 And I would want to know what the health effects were on them of the conditions in which they had to work .
9 I would like to know what the charge would have been , whether it is legal to do this , and whether I am within my rights to address mail to my grandson under his old surname .
10 The 31-year-old Chemics ' stand off , who must count as one of the unluckiest players in the game because of persistent injury problems , added : ‘ I shall wait to hear what the specialist says before deciding whether to play on or not . ’
11 Over the next few years we want to see a major reform which will help provide what the public wants and needs : a visible , local police presence .
12 Few among them could have known what the job entailed .
13 Right I sha n't er be able to remember all your names but er nevertheless if you know each other then er Er you may have wondered what the Nottinghamshire Pre-retirement Council is well we are a charity .
14 ‘ But surely she must have known what the job entailed ? ’ she snapped , her anger in no way lessened by the knowledge that it was illogical .
15 Desperation and hunger had addled hir senses : SHe should have guessed what the score would be .
16 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
17 That comes within the responsibility of my fellow Under-Secretary of State , my hon. Friend the Member for Eastwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about further applications .
18 The detailed points raised by the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) are matters for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman has said .
19 If every step is a fight resolved with authority then this exhausts the available resources , including the patience and goodwill of those people who will have to implement what the manager intends .
20 If you are likely to be prevented from voting in person because of illness you will have to say what the illness is .
21 With that money , we could have provided what the people wanted and real choice .
22 Now , the other thing that I mentioned yesterday , or we mentioned yesterday , was that local radio is opportunity for practice in various ways , and most local radio in most forms , and we will have to know what the local knowledge is here , do welcome people who are sufficiently interested to contribute stories , information , angles for their programmes .
23 But who you see at the very beginning they must have established what the roles were .
24 It has to though because if in the pa if they 've had this long-term sort of culture for all this time they need to be given ideas but essentially if their traditional values were so strong they would have rejected what the Communist Party was trying to say , but because they accepted it it meant they ha they did actually have the potential to be revolutionary .
25 He must have wondered what the outcome of it all would be , though he was not to remain in doubt for much longer .
26 He would wait to see what the negotiation process turned up , he said , but " only if real progress is made during negotiations , and if there are obvious and clearly defined benefits for my country and its people , will we consider any possible change to our present constitutional position " .
27 It will try to identify what the key moments of commitment/disengagement are , when , and to whom , school offers self-fulfilment and when it operates denial ; whether patterns of differentiation persist within the national framework of ‘ entitlement ’ and equality of opportunity .
28 It will help to see what the personal ingredients are , and at what point in the arising of stress they are added in , if we take the story ‘ from the top ’ , and look at it as we might the development of a complicated chemical reaction .
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