Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [adv] [be] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Equally conceivably I might not be aware that they are .
2 Although I did what I could to try to conceive a girl , I could n't be sure that I had .
3 There had n't been a show , I had no contractions and I could n't be sure that my waters had broken . ’
4 Once I noticed the familiar gap in a row of houses like the space left by a drawn tooth , but I could not be certain that it was the result of bombing and if it was it had happened a long time ago .
5 I could only be glad that I had never spoken of my plan to Joe , when he was looking after me .
6 His temperament , in fact , was rather more a golfer 's than a racing driver 's and I ca n't be sure that the likes of Arnold Palmer and other big sportsmen who 'd made good in the States were n't in some way role models for the young Mario .
7 I can not be sure that he noticed all that , but he stared at it for a long time , getting down on his hands .
8 I think that that is over optimistic , I can not be confident that there will be any local authority provision at all , it seems to me that this particular provision is really vital to Paul 's education and I think it right to ensure that it is available .
9 And the story that I heard which may not be true that he had he did n't have the wig and gown .
10 ‘ But , to articulate the apparent principle underlying the section more precisely it is surely envisaged in each of the five cases where the section authorises refunds of amounts paid in respect of rates which would otherwise be irrecoverable that the ratepayer who has paid rates in compliance with a demand note which he might have successfully resisted may appropriately be relieved of the consequences of his oversight .
11 Malcolm Hardee will be there ‘ to ensure the smooth running of this Big Night Out ’ say the management , who may not be aware that the presence of Martin ‘ Two Fingers Soan ’ on the bill may lead to an impromptu , and far from smooth reunion of the two 's infamous Greatest Show on Legs .
12 You may not be aware that excessive usage of the lifts does in fact cost the company a great deal of money , and in line with our cost-cutting efforts in other areas I have drawn up the following guidelines , which must be strictly adhered to from now on .
13 As well as being appropriately dressed you should also be aware that you may have been noted even while looking at the agency 's window display .
14 You should also be aware that Blake 's grid is based on the assumption that concern for production and concern for people are not incompatible with each other — which may or may not be true within the systems and personnel profile of a given organisation .
15 You should also be aware that , whilst it is accepted practice for the approach letter to be written on the anonymous basis proposed above , you are likely to receive a more positive response from a target company should the circumstances of a particular approach allow you to relax your requirement for anonymity .
16 You should also be aware that , where a package selects a module as LATEST , the latest issue of the module is requested for offline .
17 Legal rights and duties are a familiar part of our legal scene ; you might therefore be surprised that anyone would propose pragmatism as an eligible interpretation of our present practice .
18 Er during my comments yesterday sir , I you 'll not be surprised that if with a very strong emphasis on if , er the the panel do go for a new settlement , we do in York feel very strongly that er the issue of priority for public transport usage should be a very high one in this criteria .
19 After exploring last month 's triplet combinations , you 'll now be aware that there are several ways to apply the shuffle groove .
20 She could not be certain that Phoebe wanted her and needed her .
21 But although she said it she could not be certain that it was true .
22 She could not be certain that she wanted it to be true .
23 However , she could n't be certain that the more expensive kinds were there and could be actually obtained inside the shop .
24 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
25 You could n't be all that you are without despising me .
26 Her face was on a level with his ; she stared at him for some seconds before she said quietly , ‘ You need n't be concerned that you might have started something ; I 've got no ideas that way .
27 The weaknesses are lack of security the time difference that it can bring if there 's lots of replies going backwards and forwards erm it might get mislaid , it might never get read , you do n't know you ca n't be sure that people are actually reading the memo er you do n't know what the reaction of the people is you ca n't go back on what you 've said because it 's on paper er and it lacks that personal touch can be expensive on time , times to you but sorry erm but can be expensive not on time but on materials .
28 Although she embraced the need for each collection to be a little different in order to move forward , she would often be upset that what she considered a beautiful print could not be included in the collection for ever .
29 He would have to show all this new treasure-trove to Blackadder , who would be both elated and grumpy , who would anyway be pleased that it was locked away in Safe 5 and not spirited away to Robert Dale Owen University in Harmony City , with so much else .
30 I imagine that you would also be aware that the only reason the Pentagon produces such figures is to extract from a long suffering American tax-payer billions upon billions of extra dollars in order to pursue its own lunatic military fantasies .
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