Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] at [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 I must have at least a dozen dresses made before I can shew my face in town .
2 I 'd say at least a dozen . ’
3 Yeah more than that I 'd say at least a decade .
4 He said fierce fighting was taking place near Bahdu and insisted I would need at least a hundred soldiers if I went there .
5 I will wear at least a strap now .
6 There are plenty of theories , and plenty of assumptions , many of which may have at least a part of the truth .
7 He switched on the radio and learned that temperatures of minus 6 were expected tonight ; the forecaster believed they were due for a ‘ cold snap ’ which could last at least a week .
8 But now only the grim reality of a rebuilding task , which could take at least a generation , occupies the minds of those struggling to put their newly independent countries on their feet .
9 Wycliffe decided to call off the search which would release at least a dozen men to return to normal duties .
10 This is something that you may feel a need to be sure of , and it is quite possible to devise tests which will give at least a good indication of the likely impact of the ad in these terms .
11 You must you must get at least a ball a pioneer ball near your next two
12 You should save at least a third on the cost of an equivalent conventionally built house .
13 Non-swimmers wore coloured bathing hats ; those who could swim at least a length wore white hats , those who had passed the bronze medal wore black caps , and a very few wore silver for the silver medal .
14 It 's argued that you 'd need at least a force of eighty thousand troops , that 's in Bosnia .
15 To make the best use of Windows you will need at least a 386SX based computer with as much memory as you can afford .
16 To use VidiPC you will need at least a 286 AT computer with 640Kb of RAM and a hard disk with enough room to store several images .
17 Erm of course two thousand and six is a consideration that we ought to look at once a new settlement location 's identified .
18 They should last at least a week .
19 When you see a band 's name on our cover you know they 'll get at least a page , and usually a great deal more .
20 So I said There 's no way that what you 've just told me will go in an hour , I said It 'll take at least a couple of hours and what about all the small stuff he 'll have in the house ?
21 Once dissolved , there is no Parliament until the next one meets ; it is yet another endearingly eccentric feature of the constitution of this cradle of democracy that its law provides that , at least once in every five years , it shall undergo at least a short spell of autocracy .
22 These atoms , as we have seen , are spewed out from dying stars ; but it would take at least a billion years for a star to use up all its helium energy and explode , hence life could not exist in a universe consisting of the shortest-living stars , since the necessary elements such as carbon would not exist .
23 It would take at least a generation to find and train effective top management cadres for the English regions Reorganisation of the management of English government on this scale would cause a decade of chaos in local services . ’
24 According to one estimate in the Financial Times of Feb. 28 , it would take at least a year to restore full electricity supplies to the capital .
25 Having decided that it would take at least a month for Praia do Carvoeiro to be slotted into Vitor 's hectic schedule again , Ashley was surprised when the black BMW drew up outside her house a couple of weeks later .
26 ‘ To put the economic aspect into perspective , it would need at least a doubling of the price of energy to make some of the supply options attractive to investors . ’
27 Mr Graham White , of the Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust , said : ‘ It will take at least a year or 18 months of continuous rain to bring this river back to what it once was , and persuade the swans to stay . ’
28 And even if the tests show there is no serious problem , he will take at least a couple of weeks to build up his strength again .
29 We look forward in the knowledge that in its native western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California , it can grow at least a foot a year .
30 P&P Plc has quickly found a buyer for its volume computer distribution business which should mean that it can reverse at least a part of the £8.9m provision it took against its most recent figures to cover costs of closure if a buyer could not be found .
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