Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN military dictators fall , the democrats who follow them must try to restore the rule of law , as well as rule by the majority .
2 Sydney said that he was very pleased that someone should want to take the time , money and effort to operate a Great War aerodrome and expressed his thanks to Torquil , Vic and all that had made it possible …
3 Nevertheless , if at a later date someone should wish to cure the horse of such a bad habit they will find it difficult to do so .
4 I decided I must try to find the man who had been watching us .
5 It would be tedious and is not , I think , necessary to examine them all but I must seek to trace the development of the law through the main decisions and I intend to refer to them in chronological order .
6 I should prefer to see the Bill amended so that the two Light Railways Acts were repealed only in England and Wales .
7 I used to ask what I should do to fill the day and he 'd simply say go to the park and knit .
8 Please could you tell me what I should do to treat the problem ?
9 I should want to make the case for arguing that power is as integral a component of all social interaction as norms are .
10 I should love to meet the guy who thought up that one .
11 That I should live to see the day when a British government would do this to us .
12 I have referred to enforcement more than once already since I became president , and I should like to leave the Institute 's ethical support services for another occasion .
13 ‘ A most dramatic turn of events ! ’ he began and then , becoming aware of Madame Gauthier 's fiercely disapproving frown , he gave a conciliatory bow and said , with a meaning glance in Dora 's direction , ‘ If Madame will permit , I should like to use the salon for a few more minutes . ’
14 At this stage I should like to thank the committee collectively for the tremendous amount of hard work and dedication put in during the year , and for the support which I have received .
15 If I may be predictable for a moment , I should like to welcome the benefit increases .
16 To complement the quotation from Winston Churchill 's reply to the debate on the then Coal Mines ( Eight Hours ) Bill that was given by the hon. Member for Holborn and St. Pancras , I should like to draw the House 's attention to other words of Winston Churchill in the same speech , which are as self-evidently true today as they were then : ’ We have reminded the hon. Gentleman of it often ; but why should cheapness of production always be achieved at the expense of the human factor ?
17 I should like to see the Home Office introduce what is called the side-handled baton .
18 Please , yes , I should like to see the room . ’
19 Finally , I should like to ask the Secretary of State what progress has been made in an area where I believe it would be sensible to take action .
20 In conclusion I should like to ask the author if the chest had a bottom .
21 Sir , — With reference to your report on the Bell Hill Common ‘ facelift ’ — I should like to correct the impression given that Petersfield has no branch of the Hampshire Wildlife Trust .
22 It is with interest , that I read Amanda Archibald 's recently published notes of her thoughts as a U.K. citizen , now living and working in the U.S.A. By all accounts , she has been profoundly impressed , and she has done a good job in introducing ‘ Contact ’ readers to some of the many positive aspects of living as an expatriate in the U.S.A. As a person proud to enjoy dual nationality of Canada and England , however , I should like to redress the balance somewhat , and question some of Amanda 's blanket statements .
23 But I should like to emphasize the point that expansion beyond two thousand and six is regarded by as having considerable relevance .
24 I should like to add the rider , ‘ for the joy and well-being of those who dwell therein ’ .
25 Without wishing to rule out the first option I should like to consider the second , to examine the possibilities of indirect leverage over investment decisions .
26 I should like to congratulate the panel on doctrine on the very difficult job they did in handling all these responses from kirk session .
27 I should like to believe the legend , ’ said Fergus slowly .
28 Oh that 's erm ah yes , I should try to use the calculator if I could find it on the machine !
29 It was once suggested to me that rather than remove my children from Liphook Junior School , I should try to fight the system from the inside and endeavour to change the school .
30 I should hate to give the impression that my love for you is but thinly disguised lust .
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