Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Two of the several names owned by another recipient had strayed into someone 's word-processor to create a further deserving don , the knowing reference to whom must have ruined the new year for more than one senior scholar .
2 ‘ But Ivy has turned out to be so good for me I must have done the right thing .
3 Somehow I must have missed the original LPs ( or perhaps they were never released this side of the Atlantic ) , but here are Jean-Pierre Rampal , Isaac Stern , Yo-Yo Ma mixing it up with Japanese instrumentalists , playing traditional oriental music alongside pieces by Yamada , Miyagi , and Yoshizawa , amongst others .
4 I must have missed the next few sentences .
5 Sorry , I 'm reading the wrong dates here That 's right , it ca n't be the twelfth , I must have meant the fourteenth .
6 So I told him I must have got the wrong number .
7 I must have spent the last week talking to hundreds of players .
8 I should have flung the damned thing out of his open door so that it would bounce down the mountainside up which the road was climbing .
9 No bu I 'm sorry , the other thing I 'm sorry I should have said the other thing I 'm going on is when things were last done ,
10 Well I should have done the financial
11 I should have done the Financial Times .
12 However , I should have done the proper cockpit checks which I certainly did ever after .
13 Oh I should have kept the other one .
14 I should have stayed the whole night in your bed , with you in my arms .
15 I should have realised the two of you were n't a couple , ’ Vitor reflected , when he had finished his sandwiches .
16 I should have started the annual parish meeting at seven and followed by
17 If one 's opponent has anti-tank weapons I should have thought the last thing to send in would be tanks .
18 I should have known the only answer ever is to stand and fight .
19 Enoch Powell later cited this indication of my position as a kind of pledge from which , when events turned out as they did , I should have had the whole Cabinet 's leave formally to withdraw .
20 I might 've guessed the worst when the scrum fell apart for me like the Red Sea .
21 But Lawson then covers his back : ‘ For a time I was concerned that I might have made the wrong choice as Chief Secretary — a view I suspect was shared by John Major himself . ’
22 You and I might have done the same if we had been there , though we would have had none of the technical skill and detailed knowledge of Fleming .
23 I might have done the same myself , in her place .
24 ‘ By half term I might have finished the last one .
25 I 've wiped this I 'll have washed the whole floor .
26 Someone might have warned the poor girl that Peckinpah 's movies do have that effect on some people .
27 I only wish I could have hit the third . ’
28 I could have killed the bloody swine ! ’
29 I could have done that or I could have done the instrumental album .
30 He 's been there for weeks and I could have done the whole thing in a couple of days .
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