Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 geographic universality — everyone should have access to the same services ;
2 EVERYONE should take care in the sun , but you should be especially careful if you have :
3 I may wish destruction on the King 's enemies — ’ his voice was still clipped ‘ — but that does n't blind me to their good qualities . ’
4 I must tell Ma about the spider , she 'd like that . ’
5 And , Hal , from Chester I must go north to the march as fast as I may , for Walton sends me word there are new raids threatening , and it 's his belief and mine there are French knights serving there with Douglas . ’
6 It is because I share it that I must draw attention to the scandalous mismanagement of the housing stock in Liverpool .
7 ( Alternative ending : Finally , I must pay tribute to the bridesmaids Sharon , Natalie , Margaret and Sue whose invaluable support has helped to make this day so successful . )
8 I must take issue with the April ‘ 92 article Everything you wanted to know about Koi
9 I will be brief , but I must take issue with the hon. Member for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) .
10 I must take account of the quality of representations as well as the sheer quantity .
11 says explaining why he had come to earth Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , will thus I 've been born and for this purpose I have come out of the world that I should bear witness to the truth , but what particular truth was Jesus sent to earth to make no man , first just about his heavenly father , he taught his followers to pray that his father name be hallowed or hell holy and he prayed , I have made your name manifest to the man you gave me , also he said I must declare the good news with the kingdom of God , because for this I was sent forth , so what truths did Jesus come to er , to tell ?
12 He informed me that if I drank water all the time , and never wine , I should get cancer of the stomach .
13 He suggests I should take responsibility for the actions of abusing men — that I should feel the guilt they obviously do not .
14 I had decided that I should take control of the aeroplane and try to fly it to England .
15 However much I might take refuge in the present in which it had not yet happened , there would be a moment when the present was the present in which it was happening .
16 At the end of that period , in May 1943 , Hugh Wilson , who was in charge of the Rangoon diocese , Bishop West being in the USA recovering from a severe motor accident , agreed that we should move to Simla so that I might maintain liaison with the Burma Government-in-exile that had made its headquarters there .
17 Johnson said no , I 'm gon na write these plays , I 'm gon na earn money for them , and then I 'm gon na publish them , I 'll earn money from the publication .
18 ‘ Phoebe , I 'll go deal with the authorities .
19 And when I get a first-class degree , which I hope to do , I 'll be forgiven because I 'll bring status to the family .
20 But I of course have the advantage of being one who condemns that degree of maladministration whether it applies in the democratic sector or in the quango sector and unfortunately , unfortunately despite all the corruption , I I 'll give way to the honourable gentleman if I could just er finish the point I 'm making , unfortunately despite all the corruption and all the mismanagement and all the fraud for which the Secretary of State is personally responsible as Secretary of State .
21 I 'll get work in the sandpaper factory .
22 Any bungling and I 'll disclaim knowledge of the whole miserable business .
23 I 'll find serenity at the bottom of this cup . ’
24 We 'll destroy the Big-Endians , and I 'll become King of the whole world ! ’
25 I 'll keep track of the debt in every way I can .
26 As much as I could do south of the equator
27 I could stay in the house and be marked as frightened , or I could do battle with the elements , making my way to the family as usual .
28 I could smell sawdust in the cold , damp air and hear the buzz of the freezer .
29 It is only November , but I could smell snow in the air .
30 Well it 'd probably be the June or July before I went in for this exam , which they did n't hold very frequently and er then I had to pass this exam and that I could leave school in the August , Bank Holiday .
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