Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] [pron] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Give me the Lady Fand , that I may bear her to a fitting place . ’
2 ‘ I think I ought to take you to the farmhouse to be seen to — that iss , if I can carry you . ’
3 Well I 've written a letter which I 'll read out to you , I have n't posted it because I think I ought to read it to the meeting and get their approval erm , or otherwise , erm , Dear Miss , this is the General Secretary , W I subscription nineteen ninety two .
4 We had no sooner got out of the supermarket 's doors than the wee imp said he was tired and I must carry him to the car .
5 But … if they 're family heirlooms then however much I want them , I must return them to the family where they belong , ’ she said dazedly .
6 He said , ‘ I must return it to the half-mortals , for only they in all the worlds can keep it safe now . ’ ’
7 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
8 I must get you to a doctor .
9 I have n't sent it because I thought I must read it to the meeting .
10 I knew I should throw her to the patrol and make my own getaway , but she appealed to the chink in my armour .
11 Your mother was saying perhaps I should give it to the kids , half to you , half to Debbie , but I said , no .
12 I concluded my own column of that week as follows : ‘ After sneering at Lord Mogg , I suppose I should commit myself to a conclusion of my own from the last ten days ' dramas .
13 I should put it to the old man right away . "
14 And [ wa ] others felt a similar shock at my intention to talk about political jokes relating to contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and suggested that I should confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
15 And Elizabeth says , ‘ I might ask her to a inner . ’
16 ‘ Well , Doctor , ’ said Julie , ‘ I 'll leave you to the tender mercies of these ladies . ’
17 I 'll leave it to the young men , like yourself .
18 I 'll I 'll leave it to the
19 I 'll leave it to the people who went to explain the debacle .
20 I 'll walk you to the Commemorative Hall if you like ? ’
21 I 'll walk you to the tram stop , Maggie .
22 I 'll walk you to the hotel and show you round the hospital tomorrow . ’
23 Come on , I 'll walk you to the house . ’
24 I 'll walk you to the taxi rank outside . ’
25 And to make up for it I 'll treat you to a slap-up lunch in Haverfordwest . ’
26 I 'll throw you to the fucking wolves — are you listening , you stupid fuck ? — and there 'll be nothing left of you but a pile of shit and a hank of hair .
27 I 'll keep away from you , my fine bucko , I thought , and if I drop anything I 'll kick it to the door before I pick it up .
28 I du n no I mean I 'll mention it to the deputy again and say look we 're getting towards the end of a financial year , there will be some departments underspent because er suppliers ca n't meet deadlines and really you should keep in mind that w we have n't got er we ca n't just pluck five thousand pounds out of our budget .
29 I must have said that several times already because Ma fixed me with a glittering stare and exclaimed , ‘ If you say that word once more , Andrew , just once more , I 'll send you to the Science Museum again … with Annabel . ’
30 So I 'll send you to the hospital .
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