Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] [verb] him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I must have touched him many times before , but not consciously or deliberately .
2 Well maybe I should have given him two weeks instead of one , but , anyway .
3 Trainer Andy Turnell blamed himself for Katabatic 's defeat : ‘ I might have left him short of a gallop , ’ he admitted .
4 You 'd better warn him that I 'll expect to see him some time tomorrow , if he does n't feel up to an interview this evening , that is ! ’
5 I 'll go get him some more water then , OK ? ’
6 First time I see him in his uniform , he looked that lovely I could 've eaten him alive .
7 I could have sent him some of my wages . ’
8 He said : ‘ I could have seen him this morning before your lot arrived but I funked it . ’
9 The head of a training department for a big bank in the City of London recently asked me if I could help find him suitable conference locations .
10 I 'd have to see him first . ’
11 I 'd have told him all about the breastfeeding and bonding if the Morrisons had n't chosen that moment to arrive on the doorstep with Christopher and Katy who 'd been to Bertelli 's for their weekly dose of colourings , preservatives and sugar .
12 Well , if you want my advice , I 'd say make him more than a friend , if you get my meaning .
13 Accordingly , I would go to see him first .
14 warm water , and then put Savlon cream on it , vet said you could n't have done any better , cos he gave him an antidote , before I new what it was I would have given him funny itching rash that was making the poor soul
15 One which would have left him rich and me in possession of Sleet .
16 Oh you should 've heard him other day , all Parker pens that are in this house are his he says
17 You should have charged him triple . ’
18 Maybe she should have told him fifty quid .
19 Perhaps she should have put him right there and then , but at the time it had not seemed terribly important , for instantly , chameleon-like , his demeanour had altered .
20 ‘ Father , ’ said Tutilo , burning into startling whiteness , ‘ I pledge you my faith I never did nor never would have done him any harm , nor do I know of any who might need to wish him ill .
21 She might have found him attractive , but there was no way in the world she could ever give a damn about a man who was as dishonest and as hard-hearted as he was !
22 a couple of you might have seen him last saturday — he is — hmm — quite big …
23 ‘ I do n't know what Nigel thought , you 'll have to ask him that . ’
24 Well you 'll have to ask him this .
25 You 'll have to remind him next time he decides not to bother coming that he 's supposed to come in case
26 I gave her a pound Oh you 'll have to get him vaccinated .
27 You 'll have to meet him one day , Karen , seriously . ’
28 You 'll have to identify him more than that what did he look , apart from the fact , what did he look like ?
29 and if you 'd like to ring him first and
30 Oh , Hardy was a crafty planner all right , you 'd have to give him that .
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