Example sentences of "[pron] [be] not [adv] [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He wrote immediately to the SMG , cutting off all contact : ‘ I am not interested in agencies who politic and posture for no other reason than to promote themselves … secondly , as I am not presently able to place any trust in you , I must insist that any further matters you wish to raise are channelled through to a suitable agency , viz the local council or HCRC . ’
2 ‘ As for myself I know that I am not yet ready to retire completely .
3 My parents moan at me because I am not always willing to go to work .
4 I am born of noble stock and I am not too proud to admit it .
5 I am not too old to accept the difference in life , Miss Cress , and nowadays , people do not dance , they lead such serious , earnest lives .
6 ‘ Look , I 'm not so anxious to go up there .
7 Perhaps I 'm not so keen to have this day end after all . ’
8 Now I 'm not so stupid to believe that we 'll always necessarily agree on how those objectives should be met .
9 ‘ Hey , come on , you know I 'm not that easy to kill .
10 Oh I 'm not very pleased to hear that .
11 I have to admit I 'm not as eager to give money or pictures , say , to a Carnegie Museum as to a Museum of Modern Art , and I 'd rather give to the Museum of Modern Art than the Guggenheim Museum .
12 I 'm not really competent to argue about that .
13 I 'm not really keen to do this !
14 I 'm not really supposed to say anything about about my Grecian two thousand
15 You 're not supposed to do that , I 'm not really supposed to make you say this is the band come to the gig
16 I 'm not really inclined to do a post-mortem on ‘ Provision ’ , other than to say that I acknowledge that it was less successful and less fun than the previous album , ’ he says in a most matter-of-fact voice .
17 And , considering the alternatives , I 'm not much inclined to blame her . "
18 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
19 I was not only surprised to find they had plenty of timber for fence posts , but also that it cost far less than new wood .
20 I was not only able to review social security , I had the opportunity as a politician of implementing the changes — always provided I could get the support of my colleagues , of course , and that was not going to be easy .
21 I 'd like to say that I was not too sorry to see him go .
22 This is particularly an issue with emerging technologies which are not yet able to provide seamless integration into the corporation 's wider electronic world .
23 Some have suggested that there are daily rhythms which mirror those of mental performance but which are not as difficult to measure or as prone to interference , and they come up with old standbys , body temperature and adrenalin .
24 The Scottish system has some very distinctive features which are not always easy to explain to those whose first language is not English .
25 Most people in Hong Kong have two ambitions , which are not always easy to reconcile .
26 Initially the examiner , who has read a file detailing the main points of the complaint , but inevitably does not have the full story ( hence the reason for the enquiry ) , turns up unannounced at the company 's premises ( which are not always easy to find ) and has to get past well-meaning but defensive receptionists and secretaries without revealing the purpose of the visit .
27 Heads have been turned , and have begun to swim , amid the flow of invention , delivered in works which have been Englished in rapid succession and which are not always easy to tell apart .
28 It is also , very importantly , of two kinds : short term and long term ; so that what is recalled in the short term ( the classic example is a string of numbers ) may fade rapidly from the memory , while other elements of the communication , which are not so easy to recall immediately , stay in the mind long afterwards .
29 Second , the whole analysis is based on the mistaken assumption that the poet and the reader 's text worlds are identical , an assumption which is not only difficult to prove but also in contrast with the core ideas of the collection .
30 You also have to be able to have the computer with you when you take the notes , which is not always easy to arrange .
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