Example sentences of "[pron] [be] the first [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , the Luger 's a German gun — and who were the first major users of chemical weapons on this planet ?
2 Although we did not know it , we were the first white men he allowed into his home other than on business .
3 They are the first known lords of the manor of Cosmeston and gave their name to the village , Costentinstune ( the place of the Costentins ) .
4 They are the first published documents from which we can glean personal details about ordinary older people in significant numbers .
5 ‘ The flights were flagrant violations of the no-fly zone but they were the first armed attacks recorded by the UN since shortly after the no-fly zone was instituted ’ last October , the State Department spokesman , Richard Boucher , said .
6 They were the first correct entries out of the hat to the question : How many weeks was Mull of Kintyre at No 1 in the UK charts ?
7 They were the first such images she had seen — the Grimauds , like many Nîmois , were staunchly Protestant .
8 They were the first national employees to receive service awards in Colombia , as it is five years since LASMO set up business in the country .
9 They were the first known tamers of animals .
10 This neglect of Braque is strange , since his were the first Cubist paintings , and since , as opposed to Picasso , he actually showed Cubist works in a public Salon .
11 It started at the end of March , it 's the first nine months , it 's the first tranche of the erm , the F M arrangement , and , and your members will be getting a report in February on that .
12 It was the first two categories of capital murder in particular that discredited the Homicide Act .
13 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
14 We must now fear with good reason that it was the first three months which were not typical .
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