Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then abruptly I am back in real time , bobbing up and down in the river , powerless against its current .
2 I do n't know if it 's sex , or fear that I 'm up to some trick .
3 Galactix scores 100% in all departments , now I 'm off for another game !
4 I 'm off to fucking bed !
5 ‘ I narrated a series of school concerts at The Philharmonic and I 'm back in live theatre again . ’
6 Once I 'm back from this trip , I 'll live like a gentleman .
7 cos the client might be in a position of saying , well , after six months , I 'm down to half salary , so you might have sold this plan , to pick up the other half ,
8 I 'm out of that car before it stops moving , and Des is behind me without even turning it off .
9 I was up till three ack emma memorizing those files you gave me .
10 He come up the hospital , I was up in intensive care unit and me dad came round about half past ten at night and in he walked , he came straight down from Filey to see him , cos he used to think a lot of dad you see and dad did him years ago , he used to say he was more of a son than me own but then he brought her to the funeral , they would n't speak to me , would n't entertain me at all , I nearly fainted when I saw little one , she 's tall and thin
11 ‘ Manchester United offered me a contract that was only just better than the one I was on at Ayresome Park .
12 I thought I was in for another evening of getting slightly drunk on my own . ’
13 ‘ All I did was come out for a walk before going to bed , and I was about by that place where the bank 's caved in , when somebody jumped me from behind .
14 Sound of the train getting closer and before I knew it I was out on that street pushing the trolley .
15 I was out of this conversation .
16 In fact , nobody even knew I played , although I played pretty well by the time I was out of High School .
17 Then I would be accused of being a racist , take this for example , I was down at lower school , I had a black girl in my class , she did something or another .
18 ‘ I slipped it in my pocket and forgot about it till one day when I was down at yon ford and I took a swig and , by God , it 's potent . ’
19 ‘ I told her I 'd try and see you while I was down in this part of the world . ’
20 I was back to that school chapel with the chaplain doing his Goddest to get me to sign on the dotted line and hand over my soul .
21 I shot him between the eyes and then I was off , down the smallest streets , and I did n't stop pedalling until I was back in this Villa Baderini , which , as a matter of fact , used to be my father 's .
22 ‘ What 's 'e been up to this time ? ’ asked the put-upon wife .
23 So can you think of any er brochures or any companies which were around at that time to take advantage ?
24 The longest is the second dorsalmost spine which is up to two arm segments in length .
25 We can also point to the difference in degree of deviance between 4 and 5 , which is out of all proportion to any difference of meaning between complete and finish .
26 If it comes to be feared that the defence might make procedural capital from such inconsistencies , which is out of all proportion to their factual significance , a tendency might develop to iron out inconsistencies regarded as minor or marginal , thus weakening the re-investigation process .
27 When we were outside the house , where no one could hear us , she said : ‘ As nobody is out at this time I thought it would be nice to go to that field which is full of melons .
28 ‘ What 's more , Joe Wallace was so pissed that night 'e did n't 'ave an inklin' who 'e was talkin' to or what pub 'e was in for that matter , so there 's no come-back from 'im at least .
29 It would only be if somebody was off on long term sickness or
30 In 1817 Miloš discovered that Karadjordje himself was back in Serbian territory .
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