Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [vb pp] with some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the somewhat glowing tone of the editorial commentary , I am left with some doubts about the efficacy of such therapy in Broadmoor , where at least some of the patients experience the regime as distinctly untherapeutic and repressive .
2 The rigid cases which are supplied with some camcorders are bulky to have with you all the time , and a lighter padded bag with pockets to take small items will probably be more convenient .
3 Elean:It seemed to me , reading your Soweto Stories , that you were faced with some difficulties as to how to portray the customs and traditions of your people .
4 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
5 In Albert 's ‘ wheezes ’ , human beings are often behaving foolishly , but they are observed with some warmth .
6 The Secretaryship , possibly joint with Club Stewardship , was in the control of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Young from 1914 to 1921 at which Annual General Meeting they were presented with some silver ‘ for keeping the club going for the last six years ’ .
7 I know that local playgroups find them useful , certainly for skittles and as cone and ball games , but I though maybe if they were filled with some sort of plaster and decorated , they would make good door stops .
8 These comforted her , not because she had any faith in their message , but because they were phrased with some beauty ; they were made up of words that seemed to apply to some large and other world of other realities , and they bore witness , also , to the fact that somebody had thought it worth his while to put them up .
9 Although publicly scathing about the student left and the anti-Vietnam movement , Healy none the less cultivated a discussion circle of London writers , actors and television producers , it is said with some charm and intellectual force , which was to presage his fixation with Equity , the actors ' Union which increasingly provided personnel and finance for the ERP .
10 It is viewed with some suspicion by staff anxious about the standards of care provided , but there is undoubtedly an advantage to clients , who are able to be cared for in more homely environments rather than long stay wards .
11 It is estimated with some reliability that one in five of those aged 85 and over now suffer from dementia ( Norman 1987a : 2 ) .
12 It is supplied with some stories on the disk that could be used by age 4 and upwards .
13 It went on to sell four million copies around the world , the lion 's share , it was noted with some satisfaction within Virgin , in territories where Virgin had their own label .
14 It was greeted with some fury : ‘ It 's the beginning of a war , ’ said Fernand Daoust of the Quebec Federation of Labour .
15 In his own words he was seeking to get immigration control on a basis where it was firm but where it was administered with some degree of compassion for the individual case ’ .
16 Despite this , however , he was treated with some suspicion by Parliament , who restricted his ability to raise taxes to pay for army or navy forces , so he turned to Louis XIV of France , who secretly made funds available so as to improve the failing status of the Roman Catholic Church in England , where the Church of England virtually excluded all ‘ dissenters ’ , which included Roman Catholics .
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