Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adj] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 I am one of the greatest writers of the century .
2 Normally I am one of the happiest people in the team .
3 ‘ Somebody printed that I am one of the richest women in England .
4 I 'm one of the best marksmen in Europe , and you are possibly the biggest grouse in Europe . ’
5 I 'm one of the best people
6 For another , his is one of the largest sheep farms in the area and one of the few where the ewes are lambed outdoors .
7 However , this issue can be looked at positively : perhaps someone may do something about their abuse as a result of Mr Rose 's coming forward — telling someone is one of the hardest things a victim can do .
8 As I believe I was one of the earliest users in the country of county wartime incident archives from 1949 onwards , here are some East Anglian pointers .
9 Oh it was a horse-drawn , horse-drawn , there were no cars on the road in those days , I think I was one of the earliest to get knocked down by a car actually in Walsall , I was er , when we lived in Street he came down Street and immediately opposite there was a Co-op shop opposite Birds the fruitiers , and mother sent me down to the Co-op and the old trams used to run along the Pleck to Darlaston , Wednesbury and that way on and I ran across the road , past the Co-op the tram and a car must have just bumped into me and he knocked me down , a terrible commotion amongst the folks and could n't have hurt them much , because I got up and ran off , ran off home , so they were restricted in you see and the speed they could go in the car , but the car , the tram car was stopped at the bottom of Street , almost opposite the Co-op and er I must have just run across the road run into the car and more or less bounced off it I should think .
10 I come off that plane at Gatwick and I was one of the luckiest fellas to be in the called Cohen .
11 Myself I never worried about I was one of the biggest scruffs you 've ever seen in your life actually .
12 I attended my father 's prep school where I was one of the worst-behaved pupils , constantly talking after lights-out and fooling around in class .
13 I was one of the richest people in the country , and I had to go to the bank to borrow money to buy my house , ’ recalls Koch .
14 His was one of the richest families in the world .
15 Among the extant Hotteterre instruments there are only three transverse flutes , all of which are representative of the earliest three-piece model , and are stamped ‘ Hotteterre ’ with an anchor below .
16 ‘ I notice he made no mention of London Transport 's 30-year-old double deckers which are some of the oldest and most reliable in the country . ’
17 Industrial sabotage has been a neglected area of research , despite its being one of the commonest forms of worker resistance .
18 Which is back-slapping of the highest order .
19 Revisions to the individual components of the shortage are not made , but generally it is the estimate for exchequer transactions which is subject to the greatest uncertainty .
20 Because of their heavy running costs , the big companies have a built-in disposition towards the type of popular music which is capable of the widest-possible appeal .
21 This copy by Thomas Hamilton of the Temple of Theseus in Athens , which is one of the finest classical buildings in Edinburgh , was designated as the home of a Scottish assembly as far back as the late Seventies .
22 The emphasis is on aromatherapy massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress .
23 With the strength of CAMRA as a consumer movement , I welcome the return of the Party Seven into the off-sales world , which is one of the largest sections of the industry , as the large breweries are forcing the £2 pint upon tenant landlords and others , and people turn elsewhere to seek their alcoholic enjoyment .
24 Such a fort would also have supervised the native population centre on Credenhill , which is one of the largest sites in the area , with univallate defences enclosing c. 20 ha ( 50 acres ) .
25 My hon. Friend has vividly described the features of the Croydon education and training service , which is one of the largest services for adults in the London area .
26 The second city is Santa Cruz in Bolivia , which is one of the fastest growing cities in South America .
27 The junior Dog is a very small constellation , but is unmistakable because of the presence of Procyon , which is one of the nearest of the bright stars ; it is 11½ light-years away , and is the equal of 11 Suns .
28 Pure Mailly wines can be purchased from the local co-opérative ( on the left as you enter the village on the D26 from Rilly ) which is one of the best co-ops in Champagne .
29 Is he aware that there will be general satisfaction with the help that he has given to St. Asaph business park , which is one of the best developments to have emerged in Rhuddlan for a long time ?
30 The Foyle — which is one of the richest salmon fisheries in Europe — is being plundered by poachers who use large nets dragged behind boats to catch the fish .
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