Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] the [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He placed the course in what was , to our minds , a very reasonable perspective , saying that we were here to teach our particular specialities , but obviously there would have to be give and take , in that we would adapt ourselves to the students ' needs , and they would adapt themselves in turn to the sort of thing which we felt capable of teaching .
2 By 7.45 , as he crammed himself into the visitors ' gallery .
3 There is no need to change this law , and as far as I am aware no need for Mr. Byran to distress himself upon the umpires ' behalf .
4 The magic castle that is London 's St Pancras Station rests upon a forest of unseen arches , forming a vault which in the railways ' heydays , from the 1870S to the 1920s , housed the thousands of barrels of beer that arrived daily from Burton-on-Trent .
5 None of the fathers ' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment .
6 All over Orkney during the time the children were away from their homes , prayers were said for them in churches of all denominations and at prayer meetings , and despite the torment they went through , none of the parents ' faiths wavered .
7 None of the patients ' spouses or carer had been shown or told how to give the drops .
8 It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys ' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts .
9 5.2 Rule 15(a) — Information as to who has conduct of the case The client needs to know who within the solicitors ' office will be dealing with the claim and , if more than one person , who those people are .
10 Erm what , what was the feeling that came over to you from the tenants ' group at the time ?
11 We felt so sorry for you at the shareholders ' meeting .
12 Robin Smith 's power play against India at Perth ( Week 1 ) and the demolition job England did on Pakistan at Adelaide ( Week 2 ) put them into the favourites ' spot at the same time as Australia absorbed one stunning setback after another , alleviated only by the thrilling one-run victory over India at Brisbane .
13 She took me into the nurses ' changing-room .
14 Cos the mortgages and that but there 's a lot of them , and kids causing it , and Christmas was coming well you know we just , that 's when they helped us at Christmas was really fantastic yes , true I never thought anything really out of this world how the how the people helped We got toys and everything for the kids ' Christmas , everything you could think of .
15 ( I had a meeting of an advisory committee at the Bodleian at three , which was likely to be acrimonious and prolonged , and I simply had to buy something for the boys ' dinner first . )
16 Also I 've got to get something for the boys ' dinner first …
17 ‘ No ’ campaigners at the 900-pupil comprehensive heralded the outcome as a significant one for the Tories ' flagship education policy .
18 Where are we after the Kids ' County you know what you rang up for in the first place ?
19 Something of the MLs ' agony as they fought their way towards the quays can be seen in the diagram on page 41 .
20 The trust ran it for twenty years as something like the proprietors ' colonies of the previous century , but in 1752 it became a royal colony .
21 To the extent to which it makes sense to speak of interactions between whole nations at all , we suggest that the two superpowers and their allies may indeed be playing something like the paranoids ' hypergame .
22 But because he accepts something from the philosophers ' view , a view which leads to scepticism , he himself runs the risk of it .
23 Trafford Park food companies headed by Kelloggs , Brooke Bond and Walls formed a thirteen food company group which opposed the incinerators and lobbied against the campaign handing in over 40,000 signatures and over 600 submissions were sent to the UDC prior to the date of the decision , including one from the Students ' Union concerned that the University was directly in line with the prevailing wind from the proposed site .
24 Three of the four opposition seats went to the Singapore Democratic Party ( SDP ) and one to the Workers ' Party .
25 There is no room between him and the chariot for a groom corresponding to the one holding the reins in the opposite wing ; nor , if the girl is rightly placed , was there one at the horses ' heads .
26 The governing body of the agency is the board of directors consisting of eleven members , all appointed by parliament , but five of them are appointed pursuant to the recommendation of the following bodies , namely : the organizations dealing with the environment , one by the trade unions , one by the employers ' organization , one by Social Security , and one by the various organizations presently dealing with state assets .
27 From a perspective in anthropology where social systems were all equally valid , I teased her about cultural police rigidities which caused this rejection of the alternative views she was being asked to examine , to the point where she refused to lunch with me in the Students ' Union , because , ‘ you 're one of those bloody communists I have to listen to ’ .
28 It is regrettable that the judge heard nothing from the appellants ' side , despite the fact that they were represented — no oral evidence , no affidavit evidence , not even an address in mitigation .
29 I talked to them in the Friends ' Meeting House on a dark and stormy summer night .
30 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
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