Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 During my first year at the Boys ' School in 1922 , Bonfire Night was held on a Saturday ; November 5th falling on a Sunday that year .
2 During my first round at the Masters I four-putted the second green and a member of the gallery shouted ‘ welcome to Augusta ’ .
3 Provided that there shall at all times [ during the Shop Opening Hours ] be full and sufficient common parts to enable the Tenant or any undertenant to carry on its normal business at the Premises
4 First they declared their grave concern at the happenings in South Ronaldsay , and condemned the method or lack of method , used to investigate the allegations .
5 Carol Ross and Brenda McCleary suffered their second defeat at the hands of the talented junior Offaly pair recent winners at Ghent Regatta .
6 The danger was that they might even go beyond " their lawful power at the polls " , especially if stirred up by " designing persons " and promises of " social salvation " , and they might attempt to produce change through " revolutionary action " .
7 ONE of the main complaints of many diesel car drivers is their unfair treatment at the hands of insurance companies .
8 Golfers on the course opposite the mansion were treated to the sight of the lady of the house going through her aerobic routine at the windows of the gymnasium on the first floor .
9 I read Jemima Harrison 's feature abut her horrific experience at the hands of a brutal rapist with tears in my eyes .
10 Following their disastrous showing at the polls , there was a period of time-consuming and bitter recrimination followed by a round of resignations .
11 The 38-year-old married woman was last night recovering at her home in Luton , Bedfordshire , after her two-hour ordeal at the hands of her abductors .
12 Now they are devastated by their one-point defeat at the hands of Waterloo and must regret allowing Barnes to play for the Barbarians against Australia .
13 The Necromundans were to be in the fortress-monastery for six imperial months before suffering their initiatory hazing at the hands of older cadets .
14 ENGLAND B were left to reflect on what might have been after missing a couple of vital tackles in their 20-16 defeat at the hands of South Africa at Bristol .
15 Now I 'm not able to do tutorials for you this term at the times that you 're available cos they clash with lectures that I do er for another course .
16 By that time , of course , he would already have effected a great many ministerial and policy changes , but there would still have been sufficient sense of novelty about everything he touched to have ensured his eventual victory at the polls .
17 He suffered his only defeat at the hands of Kingmambo in the mud at Maisons-Laffitte in April .
18 The scandal 's single and notorious poem , read out by Owen as his last word at the hearings , was supposed to be about Nicaragua , but again this was no real country .
19 He 'd have shat this delirium out of his system , and these events — Jude , the chase , his near rape at the hands of the assassin — would be a tale to tell Klein and Clem and Taylor when he got back to London .
20 On your right glance at the windows of the palace of 1493 .
21 We attempted to have the case tried in a Crown Court with a judge and jury but it seemed apparent to us , at our first appearance at the Magistrates Court , that every attempt was made , including the dropping of a crucial charge , to keep the case at that level .
22 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
23 OLYMPIC cycling star Chris Boardman may have been our big winner at the Games , but the biggest winner of all was his little boy , Edward .
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