Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ghofar has a good deal in common with Last Suspect , the 50–1 shot on whom this sagacious Welshman won the 1985 Grand National .
2 Has my right honourable friend had an opportunity to see the report from three I s , investors in industry , in which they have surveyed five hundred of the companies in which they invest and the confidence factor of those businesses is higher now than it 's ever been since they started the surveys in nineteen eighty eight .
3 In that regard , does my right hon. Friend support the WEU proposal of a European surveillance satellite system to engender confidence and ensure that arms control measures are adhered to ?
4 My right hon. Friend represents a seat in the south and he will know that the Guy 's and Lewisham NHS trust intends to improve the pay of more than 1,200 lower-paid workers by 6 per cent. , and that it will treat some 6,000 more patients than planned .
5 If things are as bad as the hon. Gentleman says , will my right hon. Friend ask the business men why the west midlands has managed to attract so much investment in manufacturing from abroad , why foreign countries have chosen to locate in the United Kingdom and whether they believe that those people would stay if they had to experience the burden of heavy taxation , job losses and days lost in strikes that would occur with the return of a Labour Government ?
6 Will my right hon. Friend ask the Secretary of State for the Environment to investigate the matter and make a statement to the House about the deepening trough of local government in Labour-controlled parts of London ?
7 Can my right hon. Friend give a guarantee that he will never propose the introduction of unnecessary and expensive regional assemblies in England and Wales ?
8 My right hon. Friend said no such thing , as the right hon. Gentleman knows .
9 Can my right hon. Friend assure the House , nevertheless , that the validity of the arguments behind ’ Options for Change ’ will be kept under constant review , not least because of the disintegration of the Warsaw pact , followed by the emergence of new power structures within the Soviet Union ?
10 Can my right hon. Friend assure the House that he will take fully into account the role of parliamentary diplomacy through the conference on security and co-operation in Europe , the Inter-Parliamentary Union , the North Atlantic Assembly and other relevant organisations ?
11 Does my right hon. Friend envisage the creation of a Territorial Army element in the Household Division , which would go some way to alleviating the greatly increased overstretch that the 40 per cent .
12 Has my right hon. Friend noted the vote of parents in Gravesham , in the case of one school by a margin of nine to one , to take control over the management of their schools through grant-maintained status ?
13 I repeat what my right hon. Friend told the House on Tuesday : if the prison population continues to rise , he will consider calling on the assistance of the military and , possibly , calling for the use of military accommodation .
14 In the light of the serious situation which has arisen in relation to the Maxwell case , will my right hon. Friend take a good look at the pension funds of ABG Research , which is about to be wound up ?
15 Will my right hon. Friend take no lectures from the Labour party on short-termism , as its short-term policies will last only as long as the election and change for every by-election —
16 Will my right hon. Friend take the opportunity of the review of the Territorial Army to commend to the Confederation of British Industry , to the Institute of Directors and to others the training that is given by the TA so that greater public recognition can be given to it ?
17 Will my right hon. Friend tell the House what future benefits — proven benefits — the people of this country will see flowing from the citizens charter ?
18 Will my right hon. Friend tell the House what he feels about the accuracy of the continued Russian accounting for nuclear warheads ?
19 To that end , will my right hon. Friend tell the Irish Government that their constitutional claim to Northern Ireland gives a spurious justification to the IRA 's expressed determination to drive the British out of the island of Ireland ?
20 Agriculture is part of the common agricultural policy and I urge my right hon. Friend to see the British coal industry as part of an integrated European energy regime .
21 Can my right hon. Friend answer a riddle for me ?
22 Is it not a fact that this is now an area of very important constitutional dispute , that my right hon. Friend accepted the advice of senior Treasury counsel , that two judges have spoken in his favour and two against , and that the House of Lords may find that he was right and they were wrong ?
23 My right hon. Friend takes the question of security in high-rise housing very seriously .
24 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance yet to read the excellent report submitted to him by the chief constable of Northumbria about the problem of constant reoffending on bail ?
25 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance to reflect on the excellent report produced by Professor Glennerster and published by the King 's Fund , which shows that fund-holding practices are more effective and efficient in delivering health care to patients , and that they use their resources much better ?
26 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance to study the statement by the Bundesbank that Germany is now in recession and that it blames the fall in output in Germany on the world recession ?
27 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance to look at the Order Paper recently ?
28 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance to read early-day motion 316 , which stands in my name and is supported by about 40 right hon. and hon. Members ?
29 Has my right hon. Friend had the opportunity to read the scandalously deceitful national health service trust ballot which was put through my constituents ' letter boxes by Labour-controlled Harlow council — at an expense to the charge payers of £25,000 ?
30 Has my right hon. Friend had the chance to study the document entitled ’ The Citizen 's Charter ’ , which was written in 1921 by Herbert Morrison , then secretary of the London Labour party ?
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