Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [verb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I decided to give him the name of ‘ Man Friday ’ , because I first saw him on a Friday .
2 I had been horrified at his scarecrow appearance when I first saw him at the clinic , and when I met him by chance in Tala-Tala I felt so sorry for him that I asked him if he would like to come for dinner .
3 I first saw him in a supporting role at the Croydon Rep in 1936 , where another young actor , seven years his junior , by the name of William Devlin , who dared to tackle King Lear at about the same time .
4 ‘ When I first saw him in the orphanage , he had a swollen head and a tiny little starved body with a pot belly .
5 I first met him during the early 1950s and I became editor of what I believe was the second journal in the now enormous Pergamon Press stable .
6 Missing from Linda Finnie 's highly charged Eboli was the vein of capricious elegance that is an integral part of her character , and Jonathan Summers 's powerful , dignified Rodrigo has coarsened in tone since I last heard him in the role .
7 ‘ A year ago , he was driving a new BMW 5-series car , but I last saw him in an E-registered Ford Fiesta . ’
8 His interests include outdoor activities of fishing , climbing and walking which first introduced him to the area and DIY and cookery .
9 It was his own early instincts as a risk taker which first put him on the path that was ultimately to lead to him becoming chairman and chief executive of Hilton International .
10 For this match ( in particular ) its silly to have him on the bench .
11 Thank you friends , we all know him as the one million pound councillor .
12 Something enormous hit him on the nose .
13 We first met him at an elegant hotel in the ‘ uptown ’ district of Manhattan , New York , overlooking Central park , a watering place well known to artists ( Joe Cocker also happened to be in residence at the time ) .
14 and what they wanted was the easiest ones and they came up with the answer economics Gerald simply , we Ge Gerry and I put our heads together and went bib bib bib bib bib , you know as good parents do and we both presented him with a fait accompli you either take an engineering degree , we do n't care what sort or you go out to work in a bank because economics you will not get a first because you are not reader and t to get a first in economics , which is what you 'll need if you 're gon na make any money out of it
15 Later Nutmeg went back to all his friends ( looking himself again ) + they all told him about a strange white cat who called himself Nutmeg .
16 They all treated him as a golden idol , and he 'd obviously begun to believe it himself .
17 They first met him on the platform at Liverpool Street station during one of their regular Friday shuttles between Norfolk and London .
18 Well I mean there was an incidence where erm maybe a guy who did n't clean himself very often they would er a whole group of guys would find it funny to take him into the toilet erm fill a bath up with half with water , put bleach in it erm excrete in it , urinate in it and put him in hit , hit him with ba erm brushes , all kinds of stuff like that .
19 It all swung him towards the burning reality of Kee .
20 Darcy , who also began three under , did not play consistently enough and his 76 took him to a one-over-par 145 — but McLean had the worst fortune .
21 She expects her son-in-law to be just the same kind of husband and father , with all the same values and priorities , and finds it difficult to accept him as a man with a different set of strengths and weaknesses , however happy he makes her daughter , and this may need to be pointed out to her .
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