Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [verb] up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We three travelled up in the lift of the Hotel Vancouver together and perhaps just to make conversation I mentioned my trip to the Haida reservation and my feelings about the neglect of our Indians .
2 After the incident , Piggott said : ‘ It nearly blew us away and we all finished up in the roof .
3 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
4 Jim Crow laws dictated that we all sit up in the coloured balcony , so we followed Earl up the stairs of the separate entrance , located to the right of the box office , and found ourselves in the highest tier of the auditorium .
5 Then she started going on about her new red tap-shoes , and how the music nun wanted to teach her violin because she had such good pitch , and we all joined up in a long line , each with a hand stretched out on to the should of the one in front , and we began to march round her , chanting very softly , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … " and then louder and louder as we danced away from her still in our long Indian file , till we got right to the top of our street where we played another game altogether , totally ignoring the yells of fury from the lamp-post , and when our mums called us in to tea we all ran in and forgot about her .
6 They are ideal for large breeds , or individuals which have a back ailment of any kind and may find it painful to curl up in a basket .
7 He had never found it easy to get up in the morning , and being under sentence of death did not make the prospect of a new day any more enticing .
8 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
9 Even then she had found it difficult to get up in the morning , had begged and pleaded to be allowed to lie in a little longer , had gone back to sleep more often than not , the forerunner , Cecilia supposed , of her present practice of often lying in bed till noon .
10 And if he had been away ever since he last turned up in the office , who was dealing with his post , and paying the quarterly bills ?
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