Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He was rather vague about that , so my Hon. Friend asked him more questions .
2 Before my hon. Friend concludes what some people might describe as the Linlithgow questions , may I point out that there are indeed many in COSLA who would still argue , even at this late stage in our discussions on the Bill — very rushed discussions indeed — that if the Government are determined to take the colleges out of local government , there is still an important role for COSLA .
3 My hon. Friend argues his own case very well .
4 I would not let them suffer from my selfish desire to have my own life .
5 Ah my poor mam had us all in that one bedroom upstairs you know .
6 But my clinical experience tells me that for many of you , there 's no choice — other than the possibility of celibacy — for as you 've developed , you 'll have gradually realised that your sexual orientation is homosexual and that you can no more change that than the colour of your eyes .
7 Here are a few of my own concoctions to give you some ideas :
8 I think if you went and saw our own doctors a lot of our fears would be allayed because most of the young doctors would n't , would recommend to you , my own doctor asked me all the questions and different things and then he says he 's a young doctor , he says if I were a women and if I 'd answered all the questions as you did , I would go on H R T.
9 The thought that such armament was compulsory for anyone privileged enough to own a private car in my own time reminded me that , Napoleonic Wars apart , I was now in an age where the safety and sanctity of the individual was taken for granted .
10 I arrived early for lunch on September 14th , and then went up to my shared room to unpack my few belongings .
11 Yes , where erm my next neighbour gave me some stuff erm , then I went into her shed cos she had erm , some mice problems so dad went in there to have a look round , seeing the poison were wore off and we found quite a lot of old gardening chu , tools .
12 ‘ It 's taken me 10 years to grow them this long so I do n't like hiding them completely under a hat . ’
13 The inclusion , style and completeness of warranties is , of course , the outcome of a negotiation process in which each party has its own goals .
14 The current work at the Mappin demonstrates the refreshing versatility in which each exhibitor establishes her own position in relation to the traditionally sanctioned modernist frame of reference .
15 One of the biggest challenges to this new-look management was to cope with the ‘ tribalism ’ of the service ; the tendency of professional groups to cherish their historic rights to govern their own affairs .
16 In some ways I feel her peculiar dilemma parallels my own for she described her stance as one which distanced her from the classical anthropological mode , creating a ‘ memorable adventure ’ , which she claims , ‘ has marked me for life ’ ( ibid. 22 ) .
17 Just as she uses passive resistance in order to overcome her own passivity , so she uses her empty stomach to overcome her own emptiness .
18 Those who depend solely on their licensed dealers to find them another Polly Peck ( probably the most spectacular penny share success ever ) are probably doomed to disappointment If they are lucky , they will be the blind led by the blind .
19 But , though there is no engagement ring yet on Jill 's finger , that look in her sparkling eyes gives us all the best possible hope .
20 Since nothing seemed to be required of her for the present , Robbie thought , it would do no harm to lean back , just for a moment , and allow her heavy eyelids to have their own way .
21 But her very virtues carried their own faults , and not the least of them was the possibility of her being upset by matters she could not understand .
22 One was Esther herself , who had never been accepted into what was essentially a man 's world , and who , in her desperate efforts to prove them all wrong , had made one too many a mistake .
23 Her feral body takes its own route , grinding , convulsing , swallowing .
24 Had her first husband had it any better ?
25 Although most girls ca n't wait to leave the home for their own place to do their own thing , some always come back to show what they 've achieved , or to say it was n't so bad in the home after all .
26 Anthropological knowledge can seem , and often is , dangerous and subversive — not because we are good at digging up dirt ( we are ) , nor simply because we document what ‘ actually happens ’ rather than what is supposed to happen , but because our ways of defining situations and problems often raise questions in our minds about the fundamental assumptions on which any institution bases its own definitions , and indeed the assumptions on which it rests as an institution .
27 And it was impossible to tell whether her own gaze held anything more than the bewildered gratitude and regret that were clearly there .
28 Turning to go back to her own house to oversee her own arrangements for departure , she realised how little good the summer had done Mrs Browning .
29 ‘ Adultery ! ’ she broke in , feeling ill , and felt her own face lose what little colour she had .
30 If the process of nursing is seen as a problem-solving activity in which the nurse acts on her own initiative generating her own solutions , rather than one in which she repeats ready-made solutions ; and if the reasoning of the cognition theorists is accepted as valid ; then the teaching of nursing should be organised in such a way that the student not only acquires the necessary knowledge and skills , but does so in such a way that they develop in her flexible cognitive structures .
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