Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] to do [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I had persuaded myself that sending men to prison was n't something I cared to do for the rest of my life .
2 I shall plan out what I propose to do on the farm for the next three years , season by season , and we 'll look for a ploughman to help with your new venture .
3 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
4 I 'd start my shift and think ‘ What am I going to do with the boys tonight ? ’
5 What am I going to do with the results ?
6 Then what am I going to do at the weekends ?
7 What am I going to do about the ears ?
8 This is what I try to do in the Library , and I 've had very good feedback from outside users .
9 THE FIRST thing I had to do at the NME was draw a cucumber .
10 So then er and I had to do with the antique .
11 ‘ If I have to do without the money , ’ Denis answered civilly in an effort to match his adversary 's self-control , ‘ I 'm likely to want the satisfaction of blowing your brains out .
12 I taped I want you to check it for me , I taped me and Sue walking home cos I have to do around the school you see .
13 We at Holy Cross were able to have a happy relationship with the Baptists at Judson College , and I was invited to give a regular course in the comparative study of religion , which I attempted to do in the way which would now be described as that of dialogue .
14 I had the Count send him my plans for the work I wanted to do on the buildings .
15 I was really enjoying my new status as a mother and being at home and caring for Danielle and watching her grow and learn was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life .
16 This aspect has a bearing on two further components , social cohesion , which has to do with the sense of community and national identity , and what Heater has called civic virtue .
17 The impression given is of some sticky , viscous , unpleasant material which has to do with the satisfaction of obscure and uncontrollable personal needs .
18 Mr Collins told The Independent : ‘ These are long standing , difficult , complex , sensitive issues relating to security , which have to do with the preservation of life or acts which result in the deaths of innocent people .
19 The answer can be divided into three parts , the first two of which have to do with the relationship between evolution and embryonic development .
20 I should like to consider momentarily the application of such an approach to the various ( conflicting ) new testament verses which have to do with the status of women .
21 ‘ Well , what do you want to do about the kids ?
22 What did you want to do to the child ?
23 ‘ What do you want to do for the rest of your life , Carol ?
24 Well , because we have a very flexible course , a modular course which is made up of units , it 's , it 's possible to almost fit anybody into our course , so in fact she 's met one of our specialists and the analysis had been done of what she 's done before , what she wants to do in the future to try and match up the whole thing ; only she knows exactly what she 's doing .
25 Well you follow up what you want to do with the company when you 've thought about what I 've said to you
26 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
27 Contrary to popular belief , you do not have to know what you want to do for the Careers Service to be able to help you .
28 It is published by the Law Society and lists all firms and organisations employing trainee solicitors by region and by specialism so you can find the firm offering the kind of work you want to do in the area you want to live .
29 Now what you want to do in the privacy of your own home in terms of art is one thing , but if I 'm using public money I really need to be able to justify it .
30 In addition what we 're actually doing is we 're building in this new fin financial planning guide which gives you the opportunity to just look at where you are just now and where you want to do in the future .
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