Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] on in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And although I move on in the final chapter to consider some of the policy implications of the analysis , the main aim will be to clarify rather than prescribe .
2 Nevertheless , the busy life which goes on in the unconscious profoundly affects our feelings and reactions in our conscious , outer life .
3 Then they too died as , too exhausted to fight any further , they were covered by a crust of snow which froze on in the bitter winds .
4 No matter which coach you went on in the old days ( and the Brightside and Carbrook Co-op ones were the best ) there was always a shilling sweep for the biggest fish and another shilling for the best roach .
5 How did you get on in the multi choice the other day ?
6 How do they go on in the senior school .
7 Beckett remarks in Our Exagmination Round his Factification for Incamination of Work in progress , that Joyce 's work is ‘ not about something : it is that something itself ( Beckett 1929 and 1972 : 14 ) , and he goes on in the central part of his oeuvre , the trilogy Molloy , Malone Dies , The Unnamable ( 1950 — 2 ) , to create a kind of autonomy of his own — — as the Unnamable remarks , ‘ it all boils down to a question of words … all words , there 's nothing else ’ ( 1959 and 1979 : 308 ) .
8 Having said this though , it is what goes on in the woman-only space , which defines it as graduated separatism or not .
9 Erm the two interact constantly and you can see foreign policy in some ways as a bridge between what goes on within the frame , the domestic framework of a country and what goes on in the international environment which surrounds it .
10 We therefore found it necessary to look again at the empirical evidence about what goes on in the nuclear family — Who has the power ?
11 They are just as important though as what goes on in the main body of the conference centre .
12 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
13 Captions on the screen can give brief information about what went on in the missing bits and how much time has elapsed .
14 ‘ In a strict Party sense this was all bourgeois individualism and bohemianism , to me it was infinitely more attractive than anything going on in the Communist Party , particularly the student Communist Party , which was largely in-fighting and sectarian politics .
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