Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] n't [verb] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , its been a strain — I did n't mind at first because she 'd stay down at her flat for short periods of time , but obviously as her memory 's got worse she does n't realise that she 's got a flat , and the only thing she knows is in here , and this is the only place she wants to be — here .
2 So beautiful I did n't mind at first
3 ‘ One that even I did n't believe at first .
4 I did n't notice at first ; I saw her walking down the street in front of me , and without any hesitation I knew who it was — I had n't seen her for over a year , she had cut her hair off short and was wearing a dress , but I knew .
5 ‘ There was another side to him which I did n't see at first .
6 I did n't understand at first .
7 She says she did n't notice at first but her arm began to swell up later .
8 Compared to this little middle-aged lot , we did n't get to first base !
9 He is very clever in the manner in which he links all the characters together , and although we do n't know at first how relationships and meetings will turn out , it does soon become apparent .
10 He did n't answer at first .
11 He did n't answer at first , then asked where we 'd be staying .
12 He did n't answer at first and there was something about the quality of his silence that caused a flicker of fear to touch her heart .
13 He did n't understand at first .
14 He did n't mind at first but when he kept bumping into sculptures of boats , animals or castles he became more and more frustrated .
15 It did n't work at first because people forgot and then there were the tourists who came in and did n't know the seating arrangements .
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