Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] him for his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I send it to the individual 's home and I include a personal note from me thanking him for his achievement .
2 When I asked him for his reaction , he sat hunched behind a table in his little palace , his head hanging down , his half-moon spectacles on the end of his nose .
3 I admired him for his decision then , I admired him for not thinking being world champion was worth the risk , and I admire him still for maintaining a moral stance .
4 I pressed him for his view and he eventually gave it : ‘ All very true and orthodox , Charlie , but completely lacking in power . ’
5 I thanked him for his help , assured him that we would begin to go through the proper channels tomorrow , and said good-night .
6 I am grateful for the opportunity to enlighten the hon. Gentleman , and I thank him for his question .
7 But nobody attacked him for his information about France ; which shows that he gave none .
8 ‘ Pity to shut you away down here , ’ Mr Priddy said gruffly when she thanked him for his recommendation .
9 He carried on playing despite the pain and was singled out for praise by coach Berbizier who thanked him for his dedication and courage .
10 He blushed to think of how shamelessly he 'd paraded himself when he 'd had Judith on his arm ; how he 'd joked that she loved him for his cleanliness , and for his taste in bidets .
11 You condemn him for his self-interest .
12 It was a novel experience for Preston , going out with somebody who wanted him for his body .
13 But he had already scored both Arsenal goals — which may surprise Graham Taylor , who picked him for his England squad only to be told he 's not fit enough .
14 ‘ There is every reason to remember George Bush 's achievements and the debt of gratitude we owe him for his leadership .
15 Sir David Nicholson retires from the Board this year and we thank him for his contribution to the Group over the past nine years .
16 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
17 I debated whether to call on him to kill him for his slanders before I came here to try to see her , and ask her to have me back — if you think I would make her a suitable husband , that is .
18 Even though in giving advice to her brother 's wife she had told her to forgive him for his infidelity and take him back , which is what Karenin was doing for her and exactly what she did n't want .
19 They respect him for his deeds on the cricket field but can never hope to pierce the armour-plated shell around a deeply private and older man .
20 His lack of new-technology experience had been ignored by Pilger and the others when they chose him for his production skills .
21 It has been pointed out that incense was given to Jesus at his birth , and perfume poured over him to prepare him for his death .
22 When the National Executive expelled Cripps for his part in the " United Peace Alliance " , it attacked him for his influence in the League .
23 Angel could not accept his father 's narrow religious beliefs , but he loved him for his courage .
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