Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] them with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If there are criticisms then I accept them with the same magnanimity which Martin claims I do not possess .
2 but there were the , I get them with the four big slices and one slice see
3 I observed them with the silent attention a tiger must give its approaching prey .
4 In winter I fill them with a rich and succulent mincemeat mixture .
5 Her last words had been spoken very portentously , and I rewarded them with a dubious shrug .
6 Then , arranging the largest red roses at equally spaced intervals around the circle , I balanced them with the large single pink roses — it is always important to introduce both light and shade into a design , otherwise it can look very dull .
7 At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little jokes about Andreas 's ‘ harem ’ , but I took them with a good grace .
8 I mean every week I supplied them with a new stack of everybody wanted them .
9 In France many noblemen , especially those of middling to lower rank , were so impoverished that they needed the king 's wages , which provided them with a better and surer income than did their lands .
10 Japanese land forces enjoyed numerical superiority and better preparedness , which provided them with an initial advantage .
11 Under the system of primogeniture it will be known from childhood that one sibling will be privileged over all the rest ; by contrast partible inheritance requires a much greater degree of co-operation between siblings in adult life , especially if they inherit land or a firm which provides them with a common livelihood .
12 ‘ Now , I want you both to just relax and take it easy , ’ she told them with a warm smile .
13 The four men — Talb , aged 35 , Marten Imandi , and two brothers , Mustafa and Mahmoud Mougrabi — were known to the intelligence services , who linked them with a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command ( PFLP-GC ) cell working in Frankfurt and Neuss .
14 She was not going to say or do anything that would make John Major 's task more difficult : the Cabinet , here she indicated them with a sinuous wave of her hand , was the most brilliant since Herbert Asquith 's and , as for Central Office , and she looked directly at Sir Charles , who was mopping his brow , they were good men and true who strove mightily in the interests of the Party , and for precious little reward .
15 However , you may be surprised at just how much you can find out from these references if you approach them with an open mind .
16 Many settlers found the presence of this armed and organized people on their doorstep unnerving — Delamere , who treated them with a lordly tolerance , conspicuously did not — and so , conscious of the injustice which had been done , did the administration .
17 But scholars who use them with a sober sense of their limitations can add a new dimension to literary studies , and in an age of divided cultures we should surely be ready to welcome a marriage of literacy and numeracy .
18 Since the plot had the usual operatic complication he had advised her to read the programme notes beforehand , and she perused them with a certain grim incredulity .
19 She presented them with the annual Child of Achievement awards , given to children who 've overcome extraordinary difficulties just to live a normal life .
20 On seeing me , who greeted them with a cheery ‘ Good afternoon , ladies ! ’
21 She nourishes them with a special fluid which exudes from a nipple on the wall of the pouch in which her larva lies .
22 To determine whether DP-1 is present in complexes containing Rb , we immunoprecipitated them with an anti-Rb monoclonal antibody from extracts of the human leukaemic cell line JM , which contain high levels of the DRTF1/E2F-Rb complex .
23 When we provide theory , we provide them with the underlying rationale for methodology in general .
24 One identified them with the invading Hyksos , the other with lepers .
25 We decided we did n't really like a lot of our clothes , so we replaced them with a few very simple things . ’
26 Shall we wake them with a happy tune
27 But in practice positivists almost invariably worked uncritically and unquestioningly with the products of the existing legal definitions ; by default , they endowed them with an objective status .
28 The French were only ready to discuss a common market if it provided them with a high tariff ‘ wall ’ against outsiders and if there were complicated measures to guarantee equality of competition between members .
29 Well he , he , he given them a free cup of coffee it 'll be alright , but he did n't , he gave , the machine took ten P pieces so he provided them with the ten P pieces to put in and then when it was full up he 'd empty it out and give them all ten P pieces back
30 He blasted them with a powerful assault rifle after knocking back eight pints and storming his girlfriend 's flat , it was alleged .
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