Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] up for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I learnt this lesson the hard way : I turned up for a dinner party having remembered everything for the baby , even flowers for the hostess , and then the baby was sick all over my lovely silk skirt !
2 ‘ Nothing happened and as I like to race every weekend I signed up for a meeting in France on June 13 ’ , he said .
3 While I go up for a bath you can take stock of the supplies I brought . ’
4 I went up for a weekend .
5 I got an elbow in the face as I went up for a header and I remember putting my head down and running straight into Bull 's back .
6 Yeah yeah yeah I had a shilling pocket money and out of that I saved up for a bike .
7 I have to confess that I saved up for a portable television before I saved up for a washing machine , but then my priorities may have been different if I had not had a laundrette opposite the front door .
8 Can I come up for a moment ? ’
9 I stood up for a gasp of air , ducked down again , searching with fingers , with feet , with urgency turning to appalling alarm .
10 Why , you going up for a Chinese ?
11 Among the groups in Essex who carried on the tradition yesterday were members of the Great Tey Footpath Preservation Society and villagers from neighbouring Chappel , who teamed up for a 14-mile walk around the boundaries of the two parishes .
12 Paul Goodman , the American anarchist writer ; Stokeley Carmichael , the 26-year-old Trinidadian-born New Yorker whose black nationalism had just triumphed within SNCC ; Laing and Cooper ; Ginsberg-whose contribution took the form of a mantra , American radical journalists John Gerassi on the Third World ; Trotskyist theoretician Ernest Mandel ; William Burroughs ; Angela Davis , the Californian activist and academic ; the Marxist historian and biographer of Trotsky , Isaac Deutscher ; the San Francisco digger , Emmett Grogan , who popped up for a fringe meeting ‘ still loaded with the sleepiness of heroin' ; and Herbert Marcuse .
13 why do n't you shut up for a moment
14 ‘ They just collapse , ’ he said , leaning against his winning pumpkin , which looked like something run up for a stage set .
15 All three of us if we went up for a weekend .
16 He turned up for a remand hearing at Redbridge court covered in baby oil to make it difficult for warders to grab hold of him .
17 He glanced up for a moment towards the senator and Jacques Devraux .
18 but when he stumped up for a brandy and soda
19 After that it picked up for a while , and we looked quite sharp again .
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