Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] that [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I trust that at some stage I will have the opportunity to tax him on the curious proposal that legislation which increases the wage bill of companies does not necessarily increase the costs of those companies and therefore can be regarded as having nil effect on their competitiveness .
2 I say that with some feeling because , in the three years , that I have been doing this job I have not heard so many well-qualified solicitors and barristers , people from the legal community and inquests and from pressure groups say that there are areas of deep concern .
3 I conclude that behind this fear is the Lennon factor — if you exist as fantasy object in so many minds , there is always the chance of an encounter with one sick spirit who has found a role for you that could hurt or destroy .
4 I hope that on that basis , first of all , that you agree with the views that we expressed in anticipation of your view , and secondly , erm , that we really do need to look at through you , these sort of aspects of pension management on behalf of the County Council .
5 I have an interest in the case of Sara Thornton , and I hope that at some stage the Home Office will relent and review that case .
6 I hope that from this feature , readers will want to gain more information about Killifish .
7 And I hope that in this discussion we start talking along those lines .
8 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
9 I hope that in this period of electioneering excitement we can keep off the personalities and concentrate on the policies .
10 I appreciate that in that respect I was drifting out of order .
11 I recall that on this occasion there were present — besides Geoffrey Faber and other members of his staff — Dylan Thomas , William Empson , A. L. Rowse , Charles Madge , Babette Deutsch ( who had just published a book called This Modern Poetry ) , and some Faber and Criterion authors .
12 I know that in some way I 've offended you , ’ she began .
13 I know that in this regard my feeling will be echoed by my hon. Friends with responsibility for Bristol constituencies .
14 I assume that in each case time in custody before trial is counted as part of the period before the first review .
15 Well , I certainly will take it up if I get a copy letter , I mean it is obviously that some departments act differently , and I understand that in any case this is only a letter from the secretary , it 's not him , so I mean , I 'm quite happy to take it up if I get the copy of that , and explain that this department act , does rather differently from some of the others .
16 My right hon. Friend then said : ’ I understand that in this instance Dr. Beer 's request was considered at some length by an assessment panel of six which included the District Chair , Chief Executive and District Director of Public Health .
17 If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong and yet I have never understood the presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially upon this judgment and feeling and I aver that to this day I have done no official act in mere deference to my abstract judgment and feeling on slavery .
18 I can not see any other potential locations for a new settlement straddling the A A sixty four corridor , in addition to the three I have just mentioned and I believe that on that basis , it would be reasonable from the strategic point of view , to exclude sector six .
19 I believe that at this time St. Martin 's Boys School offered a good education within the financial limits available .
20 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
21 As my legs and arms suddenly felt shaky like they were going to give way , I decided that in this case ignorance would indeed have been bliss .
22 I suppose that at that moment , the night before I stepped ashore to build a new life , it was time to say goodbye to the old .
23 McAllister did not quite know how to answer him , and said slowly , ‘ I suppose that at some time or other we all sell ourselves for something . ’
24 I suppose that in some recess of his mind he was recalling the old cliché about honours being handed out like lollipops , but the more I look at the sentence the less I understand what he was on about or why it was considered worthy of preserving in print .
25 I have n't yet married and am not in a rush to do so , so I suppose that in this regard I am a disappointment to my father , though I 'm sure he understands that it would be unfair for me to marry with my present commitment to athletics .
26 I feel that in this poem , the poet is expressing an anxiety .
27 He was heard to say to Winner , ‘ You know , I feel that in this sequence I 'm running a bit too slowly .
28 I ask that at this stage at least it be kept confidential among us , as it could be understood in the wrong way .
29 I knew that on this trip my husband would go on to Oman and Cairo before returning home .
30 I feared that at any moment I might fall and break my neck .
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